Having some small problems with the green "crew hatch" function that pops up whenever you have the cursor close to the Pod door.
More often than not I'm trying to click on an antenna, experiment or even the pod itself for crew report and I end up opening the crew hatch (transfer) menu as the game assumes that I want to do it whenever I have my cursor near it.
It also seems to happen when I'm trying to click on an object that's on the opposite side of the Pod door, so having or not an object between the cursor and the Pod door doesn't stop the "crew hatch" text from appearing.
I'd suggest that either we have another button to open the crew hatch menu (it's the same button to interact with every other object on the craft at the moment) or that we disable this function by complete, accessing the crew transfer window either through an App to the right of the screen or through the Pod menu itself (being together with "crew report" and all the other actions).