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  1. Jeb Crashed his personal SSTO into the KSC's Planned Interstellar Vehicle, Jeb managed to eject but now the KSC is taking this opportunity to build a more capable ship as opposed to sending kerbals in a cramped ship to another star. The KSC has some requirements for it. Banned Mechanics Kraken Drives KAL Overclocking Permitted Parts Mods KSPI-E Far Future Technologies Near Future Technologies Blueshift - Kerbal FTL (FTL Section ONLY) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems Extraplanetary Launchpads Tweakscale USI Life Support DeepFreeze B9 HX(Reconfig is ALLOWED) KARE Exploration Ship Requirements Must Carry a Reusable Lander capable of landing on all planets within the target system and returning to orbit Must be able to refuel itself(this capability can be installed on the lander) The Ship and the Lander cannot be the same craft, We can't have our fancy ISV get covered in scorch marks from reentry. Capable of returning to LKO at the end of the mission Main ship must carry Mobile Processing Lab Power Supply Habitat module Life Support Systems Cryopods(If Using Deepfreeze) Colonization Ship Requirements Must carry Either A self-sufficient colony The Equipment to Build a self-sufficient colony Must Carry a Reusable lander capable of repeated takeoffs and landings from the targeted planet Equipment to keep this Lander Fueled(Can Be Installed on the lander) Must be able to serve as an interplanetary freighter after the colony modules have been dropped off(You can use EL on your colony to build freight modules) Main ship must carry enough kerbals to colonize the system Ship must be capable of providing life support for the duration of the trip Must have a power supply General Requirements(Both Types) Must be able to go interstellar(GU Or Light Levels, Using Extrasolar, beyond home, or GEP, does not count) Capable of visiting all planets in the target system(No, you cant exclusively focus on a habitable planet, ISVs are expensive after all) You may carry multiple landers designed for different roles if your main lander is not capable of fufilling it(such as landing on a high G body which is basically airless) Play Fair, Dont Cheat, if your ISV is in one category, we will not compare it or say it is better than those in the other categories. STL Rules No Faster-Than-Light Drives, simple enough right? Otherwise do whatever you want so long as it doesnt break other rules FTL Rules Must Use Faster-Than-Light drives, Blueshift is allowed for this category Do whatever the love you want so long as it doesnt break other rules STL Submissions [Your Name Here] - [Your Ship Type Here] FTL Submissions [Your name here] - [Your Ship Type Here]
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