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  1. The F-1 and J-2 were both developed by Rocketdyne in the late 1950's and 1960's. Both engines famously powered the Saturn V with 5 F-1 engines being utilized on block S-IC, as well as 5 and 1 J-2 engines being utilized on block S-II and S-IVB respectively. The J-2 also saw service on the Saturn IB, with a single J-2 powering the rocket's second stage. Both engines recently saw modernized versions, those being the J-2X and the F-1B, these engines saw great performance increases over the original versions and each were slated for use on the in-development SLS. Although this is no longer the case, and furthur development on the J-2X and F-1B have been cancelled. J-2 Engine Information: -Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7fp60mogogwt393/J-2.craft?dl=0 -Part Count: 41 This is a stock replica of the J-2 engine, the primary goal of this replica was to replicate the engine’s design as much as possible while maintaining a reasonable part count. the engine is the same size and produces a similar amount of thrust as the J-2, however certain statics were simply impossible to replicate using stock parts. The engine is powered by a single KS-25. Replica Thrust SL: 936.5 kN Replica Thrust Vac: 1000 kN Replica Mass: 4.88 tonnes Replica Gimbal: 4.5° Real J-2 Thrust SL: 486.2 kN Real J-2 Thrust Vac: 1033.1 kN Real J-2 Mass: 1.79 tonnes Real J-2 Gimbal: ??? -Does anyone know the J-2’s thrust vectoring range? An hour of searching turned up nothing so any help would be much appreciated. F-1 Engine Information: -Download Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aie6xjpg39b23fx/F-1.craft?dl=0 -Part Count: 94 This is actually a simplified version of another F-1 that I had posted, this version is only slightly less detailed yet has about 40 less parts. This fact also made the process of building this engine significantly simpler and easier than that of the J-2, along with the abundance of information available on the F-1 compared to the J-2 due to its far greater popularity. This engine is powered by 8 KS-25 engines. Yes, the Mainsail is just for show. Replica Thrust SL: 6930 kN Replica Thrust Vac: 7400 kN Replica Mass: 39.86 tonnes Replica Gimbal: 6° Real F-1 Thrust SL: 6770 kN Real F-1 Thrust Vac: 7770 kN Real F-1 Mass: 8.40 tonnes Real F-1 Gimbal: 6° My other F-1 replica is available here for those interested: https://kerbalx.com/Kronus_Aerospace/Kronus-F-1-Engine
  2. Ok, this may be a really stupid question but I was wondering. What if they put a F-1 engine on the second stage of the Saturn V? What would happen if that happened.?
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