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  1. One Small Step Saturn Sarnus Lindor to the Stars Hello everyone! My name forum name is Misguided_Kerbal. You might have seen me around the forums, whether it's in KASA, the Megathread, or somewhere else. Alright, alright, enough with the intro. So, what is this? This is basically what the subtitle is. This is a kerbalized version of the Saturn program, with some ETS (Eyes Turned Skyward) stuff mixed into it. It'll be played in Sandbox, on 1.9.1, with many mods, with the most important being BDB and JNSQ. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy! Chapter list: Introduction (This Post) Chapter 1: A New Beginning Chapter 2: Two is Better Than One Chapter 3: Testing, Testing... Chapter 4: Big is Better. Or is it? Chapter 5: Fly Me To The Mun, And Let Me Play Among The Stars! Chapter 6: The Show Must Go On Chapter 7: Go for Landing Interlude 1: The Meeting Introduction Ever since the dawn of time, Kerbals have maintained 2 qualities. The first was the ability to constantly look up. When a kerbal accidentally discovered gunpowder, his first idea was to see how high it went. The second quality was for them to maintain eerily peaceful. There had never been any wars on Kerbin, nor any conflicts. Kerbals rarely argued, and conflicts were always settled by peaceful means. Things on Kerbin were looking up, and kerbals started venturing into space, with the first Kerbal sent into LKO just a year after the space program was inaugurated. But just as it seemed that everything was well, tragedy struck. A huge asteroid slammed into Kerbin, and sent all of Kerbin into a nuclear winter. No longer did the Kerbals have the resources to look up. Instead, all Kerbals ventured underground, beneath the surface. After a hundred years, a few brave kerbals ventured up.... and to their astonishment, Kerbin was habitable again! And so, little by little, the Kerbals started going back up. A few kerbals even dared to look up again, flying high above the surface in winged contraptions. Over time, little by little, Kerbals once more began looking to the skies. As a new millennium approached, 200 years after the asteroid, Kerbals once more decided to start a new space program. Slowly but surely, the Kerbals built up a space center, and dared to dream again......
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