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  1. Have you ever wandered why you like KSP? Well, today I will find out! 1.We are all connected by one will, the will of exploration, exploitation and explosions! We love doing things that we never done before, making first step and accomplish our dreams! Watching into blue skies and wish to touch the clouds! 2. The magnificent space and its creations are pulling us to explore them, love them, and dream about them! Have you ever dreamed walking on the moon with different gravity, landscape and feelings. We will never stop attempting to explore every bit and piece that lies close to us! 3.We love to challenge ourselves! There is no limit in this game. We won’t stop exploring, even if every road is finished, every path is ended and no way can stand unexplored. We will try everything we can, to accomplish any task we’ve been given. And why are you playing KSP? Write in the comment section!
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