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Found 4 results

  1. this bugrep is for [v0.] OK, so now when you hover mouse cursor over PE label on your current orbit, the argument of Periapsis is displayed (hooray!) but, how about for next segment of conics? no, no text is displayed for any label on orange (next) orbit conic: What does that red capsule icon even means? Collision with Mun? No... Besides, the map is really cuttered right now, I suppose a set of Map options should be introduced for those who do not want to see those useless radial rings in supposedly the point of intersting with Mun's SOI =) Please let us choose the amount of clutter on the map suitable for our navigation needs ;-)
  2. On the PC version, when you right click something on the map (your PE marker, for example), that label gets pinned. The label persists until you right click it again, even if you toggle the map view. On consoles, this is not the case. If you press square/x to pin a label, that label only persists as long as the map view stays open, and as long as it doesn't pass too far from where the camera is looking. This behavior is annoying AF, constantly having to re-pin a label because you looked the wrong way, or toggled out of the map view for something. Please change this to have functionality that's similar to the PC version.
  3. Hello everybody, I've been needing and searching forever for a mod which allows us to write custom text and put it on/in the ship as a part. Similar to the wooden signs in Minecraft. Whenever I try to search for this mod I keep coming across the "font size", "text reduction" etc mods. I hope I could made myself clear on what I'm looking for. In short, I would like to input text and hang them around my ship. Please have mercy and try to help me, since I'm currently creating letters and texts from structures and small lights, which eats up my RAM, part count and my time. If anyone ever heard of a similar mod, I would really appreciate it if they could direct me in the right way. Thanks so much in advance.
  4. Some of you may have noticed a recent trend in the media towards calling my generation (currently in their teens or early twenties) 'Generation Z'. I find this label offensive and ridiculous. First, what is the 'Z' for? Zombie? Or just some stupid letter that follows X and Y? I object to being just another letter generation; an epilogue to the Baby Boomers. Second, we are the real millennials. According to some generational parameters, the earliest millennials are born way back in 1981, meaning that they would be legal adults by the time the new millennium actually came. My generation has grown up in the 21st century, with its technology and its culture (at least thus far). Going by the old millennial definition, a 'millennial' might actually recognize type cassettes and VCR's, late 20th century technologies, certainly not 21st century technologies. Whereas we, the real millennials, can scarcely remember dial up and CD's. We will have the new Star Wars trilogy, while the first trilogy wasn't even completed by the time some of the old millennials were born. So, let's say no to Z and retake our rightful title as the millennial generation.
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