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  1. I'll send it to laythe on my giant ship The craft link on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3431855499 I can't use KerbalX bc it supports only .jar files
  2. I think the title speaks for itself, but in this thread I'll be attempting the Jool V, landing on every moon of the green boi, and returning. Why do this? I have done technically complicated missions before, such as returning from New Horizons' Titanus, and a decent SSTO to Beyond Jool's Moach. However, this mission is going to be very challenging, a cut above the others in terms of sheer difficulty. I also have previously done a Jool V, but despite being quite proud of the launch vehicle it was very barebones, something that I have certainly not done this time. Mission Objectives - Collect surface science from all of Jool's moons - Deep-sea exploration of Laythe - Identify [REDACTED] on the moons - Return a Kerbal from Jool's sea level Components Tardigrades Hawk family GTT Potatus2 Tribute J6 (Mothership) Now, all of these modules can be launched separately. However, I thought it would be quicker if I launched the entire J6 stack in one go. Just to keep things interesting, I used a Hawk to ferry the crew. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The first two attempts below were complete write-offs, and lead to redesigns across the board. Link here to skip. Y1, D1 - Hawk SSTO Launch Y1, D1 (10 mins later) - J6 launch I'll pick up next time with the intercept of the Hawk and the J6, introduce the crew, and prepare to leave for Jool. (I'll edit the date for the title so you know if it is an update or not)
  3. LUDLONG KERMAN'S MISSION LOG: Y34D155 - 2H15M (NEPTUNE I) While our space program still sucks at SSTOs, our reserve kerbalnauts are demanding we send people to Laythe. After all, if the Elegail rover is reporting an atmosphere similar to Kerbin's, then it would make a good place to settle. Though our engineers are still working on a feasible method to get people on and off Laythe's surface, Mission Control decided to at least start expanding our Laythe presence - starting with: A space station We have a permanent contract to dock to vessels around Laythe. Return a vessel from Laythe orbit to Kerbin At least we can get a manned orbital reconnaissance mission of the moon with full science points (e.g. crew and EVAs, goo, materials). Too bad it wasn't a landing mission. The Elegail rover on Laythe. While Mission Control is constructing Odin Station - which would look exactly like Hades Station in orbit of Eeloo - the current general plan for the descent vehicle is to land on the surface and rendezvous with a separate return craft upon ascent; that may also be the case if we send an SSTO (which also means we'll have to leave the plane). All future mission plans aside, the three of us - Nathan, Matster, and myself - are flying to Laythe to explore the planet from orbit. We're in the Neptune I, a modified interplanetary travel pod designed to carry less passengers (we need 3 people, not 7), more battery power, and more science. In a couple of years, we'll be right in Jool's orbit. We'll then orbit Laythe and get some science and photographs before heading back home. If anyone has any ideas for a two-way surface mission craft (either a lander or SSTO), I'm open.
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