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Hello everyone, this post tries to be a complete list of all Static Packs for Kerbal Konstructs. I created this because I had a really bad time finding the right Statics. Please help me expand this list further! I posted this list three months ago on Reddit and its primary purpose is to prevent Statics-Packs and their development history to fade into obscurity and to allow users to get the stuff they are looking for easily. Kerbal Konstructs: First of all you need the newest Kerbal Konstructs and its dependencies. The mods development is in the Hands of the KSP-RO Team at their github. Kerbal Konstructs already has a fair share of Statics included, but there are many more made by talented modders and model creators. Clarification: There are three types of mods that add content to Kerbal Konstructs. Mods that add Statics to the spawn list, i.e. buildings you can place on Kerbin, Mods that rely on these Statics as dependencies to place and to add new launch sites or improve the KSC and there are Mods that do both of that. The Mods that do both can simply be edited to only add their Statics to the spawn list without placing them, by deleting some specific files. Disclaimer: I have currently most of the mods installed that include unique Statics and my game works mostly fine, but for someone unfamiliar with Kerbal Konstructs having all of these Statics installed will make the Spawn menu messy. I suggest you pick maybe five mods you like and practice by building your City, Colony, Outpost, Base or whatever you like, you can always add the next one when you know what Name corresponds to which static. If you do everything right you should have no fps impact except when browsing the Spawn list or having placed very many buildings in one spot. Although Installing all of these mods (especially the big ones) may significantly increase your game Start up time by a couple of seconds to minutes depending on your PC Guides: how to import models into KK by onesaltypringle This way you can add to this List! If you want to build stuff with the Statics you need to learn how to use Kerbal Konstructs. May I rederict you to these two comprehensive wiki's by GERSpace and Caerfinon. There are also many tutorials on Youtube like this one on how to build a train tunnel Under Kerbin. If you're planning a base, consider using the MapDecal feature to clear an area of scatters and level the terrain as needed. THE LIST: Kerbin Side remastered by Eskandare and GERSpace adds a dozen Vanilla looking Statics and places them. If you don't want them placed already delete the EXAMPLEBASES and the MapDecalMaps folder. I highly suggest you also install Zero Mini AVC alongside this particular mod, which will remove the error message at startup and nullify the extreme negative fps impact Mini AVC's cause since the 1.8 Unity update. This is a complete recreation of the Classic Kerbin-Side mod by Alpha Ash, the model quality is upgraded and there is additional content (even a ton of new hidden anomalies(even on dres!)) but with some optional buildings and sites missing. If you want them Check out Kerbin-Side continued by GERSpace. The TOP SECRET! mod by Eskandare has been merged with this. Tundra Space Center adds a dozen Kerbalized historical launchpads for you to place, its great quality. Omegas Stockalike Structures No Textures Required (OSSNTR) adds the most out of any of these mods in my opinion. 78 Statics all very nice looking Vanilla like Buildings. You need this one. There is also a mod that makes the utillity vehicles from the vab driveable. Ordinary Konstruction Co. This mods adds not quantity but Quality. Two extremely good looking vanilla like buildings for Kerbals to work and live in and a few smaller prefabs. If you want to build a City on Kerbin start with this mod. Aurora Space Center (ASC121) adds High Quality realistic looking Statics and is highly recommended if you want to have fictitious modern day launchsites. This one adds a floodlight, there are already some Statics with light sources in other mods but this one looks the nicest overall. by tg626 Kerbalized Satellite Dish by Kion This mod adds a Static Offshore oil rig which can be used as a Launch Platform. Paraterraforming is the name of this pack of Statics and by far the largest in file size, around one gigabyte when installed (contributes the most to game startup time). It adds extremely realistic looking large buildings such as Chemical Plants, Giant Domes, a 47km long mass driver, and an O'Niell Cyclinder. This mod is recommended when you want to build a launch site on another Planet or Moon and want to have it be plausible and immersive. Kerbal Racing Racetrack by MiffedStarfish. just build a vehicle Spawner so that you can get on it. Celsis Motors Test Track by RandomTheGuy Grand Prix by S*icidalInsanity is a modular Racetrack builder. Many Statics including a looping! JAKESCONSTRUCTIONSTATICS by onesaltypringle, these are models ported to Statics from Planetary Domes and Stockalike Stations Redux for KK. Recommended if you want Colony's on other Planets like we were promised in KSP2. Note: you can resize the Statics in the Editor as you see fit. Colony Blocks and Platforms by County Doggo brings what KSP2 Promised to KSP1. Structures to put other Structures on, highly recommended if you build in Space and want it not looking like a cow on the moon. Random KK Bits by County Doggo Scifi Statics by County Doggo Water Launch Sites Ever wanted to launch a ship from the KSC without having to drive/fly/cheat it to the ocean? adds no Statics but uses already existing ones to build a launch site for sea vessels. By flart. Try the Outpost if you want the KSC to have a Bar for your Pilots to socialize. This mod uses Statics from other mods and only places them. You need the DLC for this one and other dependencies. If you encounter a glitch with the jukebox, were the Song plays while going to the vab or reverting to launch delete its sound cube. KSC Extended by JadeofMaar and damonvv places Statics from other mods and expands the KSC. Has No Statics of its own, requires Tundra's Space Center and Omega's Stockalike Structures. KSC++ Continued by Aerospacer originally by Lack and part of SXT, very big extension of KSC has many unique Statics. On Spacedock, Github, Dropbox, Archive. Compatibility Stated by Author. Disclaimer MODS HERE AFTER ARE UNTESTED BY ME AND SOME ARE DEFUNCT Disclaimer end Panocean Canal by Caerfinon its like the panama Canal, even has a lighthouse. Spacedock Galactic Trading by ShammyofWar turns KSP into a Tycoon, has 26 different trading outposts over Kerbin uses OSSNTR, is in beta. Rocket Development and Test Facillity Valentina Kerman by Miguelsgamingch, requires OSSNTR and Tundra JNSQ, the Overhaul mod for KSP adds 14 prebuilt bases to Kerbin and uses Statics from OSSNTR. The CFG's used to place the Statics are in JNSQconfigs/KK/ The Harbor it adds is also available Standalone here. Kosmodrome - Space Centre v1.0 by Divico and v1.1alpha by JadeOfMaar Launch Sites Appended by tg626, this mod builds great Launch sites with the Statics provided in other mods. Highly recommended. Depends on OSSNTR , Lack's KSC++, Tundra Space Center. Wenchang Satellite Launch Center by Icecovery and ladeng, real life replica of Building, Spacedock TOP SECRET! by Eskandare got merged with Kerbin Side remastered, Spacedock link Kerbin-Side Continued by GERSpace, it is different from Kerbin Side Remastered and a continuation of almost all the Kerbin-Side mods by Alpha Ash listed below. Spacedock link If you want to experience the original Kerbin-Side and Kerbal Kampus use this mod. the ones below are linked for archival reason. Kerbin-Side by Alpha Ash is the original Kerbin Side. Maybe defunct but it has many Supplements that are not in the Remastered version listed here: Kerbin-Side Core contains the Statics used in the Original Kerbin-Side mod by Alpha Ash Kerbin Side Campus by Alpha Ash contains many civilian infrastructure Statics and places them around the KSC. The model quality looks a bit dated but it adds a ton of functionality, here is a showcase. This cool dude made a working Rail System and Train Tunnel with the Statics. Kerbin-Side KSC2 expands the ORIGIANL KSC site. part of Alpha Ash Supplements for the old Kerbin-Side Kerbin-Side Air Race adds three air-racing tracks. Supplements for the old Kerbin-Side Kerbin-Side Ground Control give functionality to some Kerbin-Side Buildings Kerbin-Side Skyways places airstrips and Bases around Kerbin. Supplements for the old Kerbin-Side ICBM Silo by Themorris, is very old and defunct but the source files are available for anyone to use Research Bodies adds a telescope to the KSC but is kinda broken and maybe not place able. Carrier Vessel Expansion (CVX) adds an American Military Aircraft Carrier to KSP, by Eskandare SM Marine Static Pack by SpannerMonkey Github it adds water ships and submarines Kerbin City Restored by Aerospacer original by Nothke, You need to follow Install instruction in the 11th comments with the following patch file Kerbal Cities Pack by amankd and fast_de_la_speed. Spacedock link. Version 1.0 only available on the Archive there is some different stuff. HaloRing by amankduffers on the Archive FASTCORP roads 2.2a by fast_de_la_speed very good road pieces download only over archive link Bad-T Arenas and Airfields by SicidalInsanity adds KerbWar 2 themed Statics and Prefabs availible on Spacedock CityX-01 by Raiz Space, link to his video VaNnadin's realistic launchpad mod adds a realistic Launch Complex B and LC39C Static South-West Launch Site by Beale, has a dead Dropbox link cant find it on archive. looked nice. if you have it share it please. Starship Launch Expansion by smacg14, Spacedock Starbase Parts by Sputnik_Planitia, contains High bay, Wide bay, Github. SpaceX Drone Barge by amnkduffers, Spacedock SpaceX landing pads by Fossilized, Spacedock Fossil's Mechazilla by Fossilized the Starship catching apparatus for KSP. Spacedock & Github SpaceX's Starbase/Boca Chica by Nootnootyt places statics, depends on other statics. Kerbalized Boca Chica by Kion dependencies are prepackaged NEW STUFF!!! Kolony Constructs by Lonelykermit adds (so far) ESA "Moon village" inspired statics, depends on Stockalike station parts expansion redux, ==Spacdeock & Github== Kerbin Renewal: JNSQ launch sites by zakkpaz, replaces/renews the bases made in the JNSQ mod, It uses Statics from and requires JNSQ, Kerbinside Remastered, OSSNTR, Tundra's Space Center, Ordinary Konstruction Co. ==Spacdock== KSC Enhanced by MiraZaWitch places a new runway, two launchpads and some buildings to the KSC, Statics are from OSSNTR, Tundra's Space Center ==Spacedock== Van's KSC by vanlaukaus, places a custom KSC, for really big planes, adds also other launch sites, requires OSSNTR , Kerbinside Remastered ==Spacedock== Deceased Kerbals by Bradis, adds placeable Tombstones for the Morbid of you, ==Spacedock== CX Konstruction by formosaT9 adds a prebuilt railtrack with Station around Kerbin, aswell as prebuit Trains and their Parts, it is realesed early and very stable to use. Give this a try if you like Trains and their infrastructure. Konstruction Feel free to write a comment when you need help. For future viewers. CKAN filter search may be useful for finding other mods that interact with KK which are not listed here as they do not yet exist. Or search for KONSTRUCT on Spacedock for new mods, relevant link. Thanks for looking at the List. If you know a mod that isn't on it please link it in the comments. This is my first big Post on the Forum Feedback is very welcome.
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Hello, my name is Stone Blue, I have OCD, and I am a KSP mod hoarder... I have had a spreadsheet going, which I have been using to keep track of mods that I use, or find interesting, since before KSP v0.25. This is by NO means a complete, all-inclusive list. This is MY personal list, so there will be lots of popular mods NOT on here. Since, I, and it seems many others still play older versions of KSP, I'm getting caught up on an updated list for every version of KSP from 1.0.5 to 0.25, that has the most recent (last) versions of mods for each version of KSP. I also wait a month or two after each KSP release, for mods to catch up to the new release, before I start playing the new KSP version. It makes for a lot less broken saves and crashed games. Instead of scrambling around every few days as modders hurry to push working mod updates, I update my list. Once the dust settles after a few weeks, and everything tends to stabilize, THEN I will have a nice organized list to quickly work thru for getting STABLE, mod updates for the new version of KSP. I play heavily modded, and "collect" every version of every mod on this list, and then some... That makes it difficult to keep track of mod updates & new releases. It especially gets crazy when a new version of KSP drops every few months... Once I get it completed, it will make it easier to keep track of mod updates as I jump from each current, to each next future KSP release. It will also help me clean out (delete) lots of old, unnecessary .zips, and make it so I have (hopefully), only the latest copy of each mod, for each version of KSP. I thought I would share it, not only because there are a lot of "odd", unknown mods that get little love, that people might like, but mainly as a spreadsheet people can download it if they want, and use it as a template of their own, and add or delete the data as they wish, to keep track of the mods THEY use. So here it is. I have just over 600 mods on it. Unfortunately, its gotten bigger and bigger, and its now WAY too much for me to keep current. I had previously posted it, and had some offers to help maintain a live list. At the time I wasnt sure it was a good idea. I guess I STILL dont know if it would be or not. But if anyone is interested in colaborating, please post. (Serious offers only though...This will take a bit of time & dedication) At this point, I guess I'll throw it out there, and hopefully get feedback on whether this is worth publicly maintaining or not. Feedback on ways to structure it, or to make it easier to maintain for private use would be welcome also. I'm about ready to trash it, as it takes up too much of my time. I know people who use CKAN, which seem to be the majority now, will probably see absolutely no point in this list, but maybe there are still enough of us holdouts to get some use out of this. This is downloadable, in case anyone wants to download it, and use it as a template and add/delete/maintain THEIR favorite mods privately. Right now its a bit of a mess. Anything with “zd” AND is highlighted green is pretty much up to date (within the past few days as of Apr 1, 2016). So use it at your own risk, ALWAYS check the release thread for the most current info. DO NOT pester mods or post on release threads about ANY information directly from this list (ESPECIALLY about old versions). PLEASE post questions, issues, noted discrepancies, feedback and opinions on THIS thread ONLY. I also welcome feedback and opinions from mod authors on having this information publicly listed in one location like this. If any author would prefer not to have their mod listed at ALL, feel free to PM me and I will see its removed. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, USE YOUR HEAD, AND CHECK THE MOD RELEASE THREAD FOR THE MOST CURRENT INFO. ESPECIALLY BEFORE POSTING ON THE FORUMS THAT A MOD IS BROKEN, DOES NOT WORK, OR YOUR SAVE GOT DESTROYED. On outdated mods, 98% of the time, I bet someone has already asked/posted about any issues, so DO the research if you want answers!! That is what I created this sheet for: keeping links and notes that I've had to dig up and/or research ONCE, so I dont have to keep doing it all the time. ALWAYS make sure the mod version matches the KSP version you're playing. I removed the links for direct downloads. Also, this is WIDE...It goes over all the way to column " Y "... And now the DOWNLOAD LINK: Stone Blue's Top & Odd Mod List
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