I had a friend recommend KSP. I downloaded the demo, tried it and liked it, and got the full program. I've been playing about two weeks, and I have some not quite absolute beginner questions. I like the career game on moderate difficulty.
I don't have the science to duplicate the launch vehicle in the training scenario. I've successfully made orbit and returned several times with a simpler and smaller vehicle, but my vehicles don't turn well in the early launch stages. Is being overpowered a likely cause?
Getting around to do science out of the immediate area of the KSC is a bit tricky. I can do crew reports, temperature and pressure readings, EVA's on the ground, and the materials lab. What are some reasonable next steps?
Airplanes at the earliest tech possible routinely crash. I've only had one make it off the ground yet and haven't managed to duplicate the feat. How do I calculate how much lift a wing will give?
My apologies if these questions have been asked and answered many times.