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Found 2 results

  1. via @nyrath CDF Study Report: Human Missions to Mars - Overall Architecture Assesment ”(It’s not a DRM, we swear)” Jumping off the 400 pages is the utter Kerbalness of the design. ESA rejected any non-off-the-shelf propulsion systems, and stuck with Vulcains and Russian and Ukranian hypergols. IN SIX STAGES Three quad hydrolox stages to escape Earth, two twin stages for Mars insertion, and a small stage for TEI.
  2. Russian/ European ExoMars started today successfull from Baikonur, Kazakhstan Congrats! Lets hope this thing makes is healthy to our neighbourplanet, it contains a lander and some ultrahighend observation devices... More pictures from Mars`s surface by the end of this year! Uuups, ninjad with Fridas Thread, merge if you like...
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