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  1. Hi everyone! This plugin, mostly intended to part modders at the moment, will replace all common KSP part shaders by customized Unity Standard shaders. It replace automatically the part's shader when a mask texture is found in the mod folder. You will then be able to define Metallic, Smoothness, and Occlusion values: The Red channel defines the Metallic value, the Green channel defines the Smoothness value and the Alpha channel define Occlusion value. For Specular shaders, the Metallic value is not needed, so the red channel is unused. The archive contains mask textures for stock parts, made with a script. This is stil a WIP and some parts looks shinier than other. Current version : 0.04 Download : https://www.dropbox.com/s/qh714b3p6an1e9i/PBRShaderLoader_v0.04.zip?dl=0 Sources : https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2jeqd5a2jg8fd6/PBRShaderLoader_v0.04_src.zip?dl=0 License : WTFPL. Known problems : -The sky and the ground aren't reflected -Two faces of the reflection cubemap are inverted -The reflection probe is attached to the root part, not the center of the vessel Original post:
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