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Found 5 results

  1. Is there an easier way to dock two large vessels like this? I align the ports, and get within 5 cm of the target docking port with mine, but alas, no connection. Docking Alignment Display is a great help, but I can't get the ports to actually accept one another, and yes, they are facing eachother. The fuel tanks and tug is about 500 tonnes, the station is about 500 tonnes, so it's as graceful and as lethargic as it gets. And please, Intercept Games, give us bigger, badder RCS thrusters. Using 256 Vernier thrusters here, I will go insane from low FPS.
  2. Yes you read it right 8139 parts, I just survived a lag hell with most of my sanity still intact... I think. Without the use of tweakscale I believe this is the biggest station ever created! (please correct me if i'm wrong) For quite a while I wanted to go big, really big so last week I finally went for it and build this space station. The pictures in orbit are of a incomplete version so they look a tiny bit different than the one in the SPH During this build I discoverd the true reason why there are ION engines in this game, and no not to provide thrust. They turn out to be cool lights! The interior It took 1.5 hours to load this thing on the runway, but it actually did load! Three frames later (1hour) I crashed the game in order to escape lag central. I would like to break the KerbalX record in part count but the filesize is to big to upload, almost 12mb lol
  3. I've been fooling around again with SXT, and built the 'AirWhale 350' (The 350 part is for how many m/s it takes to takeoff). It can store several trucks, rovers, crates, and even light planes (fitting two LF-1 Bears in folding wing mode). Top speed of roughly 400m/s, takes about 30 seconds to stop after applying brakes, and needs the full length of the runway to take off. https://photos.app.goo.gl/u01ThqGKQiWwyikg2 - The AirWhale under construction https://photos.app.goo.gl/zJwN94ZLr0z6524j2 - Moved to the runway https://photos.app.goo.gl/iLPeETvMYRdOHAfD2 - Engines start https://photos.app.goo.gl/qTblpyxTK8eDYvDt1 - Takeoff! https://photos.app.goo.gl/8roaeU6Hzu67oTZC2 - Mirvy Kerman is worried about flying a slow, heavy aircraft. https://photos.app.goo.gl/KPDjeK3jidWXEqTg2 - Flying to the island https://photos.app.goo.gl/Eb33f3fCxIFSfJZd2 - After a lot of time, landed at the Ice Caps. https://photos.app.goo.gl/8K0zCqxhQDIhkUcn1 - The research vehicle is ready to be deployed https://photos.app.goo.gl/MiKeQBRGycp1XOjk1 - Safely driven down the ramp, ready to survey the area. And that's it. I'm planning to airdrop some crew facilities, but just need to figure out how to do it.
  4. Since cubic octagonal struts are incredibly light, they can be accelerated to insane speeds. Jettisoning them from your ship using the strongest decoupler in game will acelerate it to 6000m/s. Firing it with engines even increases this speed. So can we use this technology to shoot at really faraway things, like other planets? THE CHALLENGE: Hit various moons and planets with cubic octagonal struts by firing them from cannons in kerbin orbit. THE RULES: -No modded/hacked parts that give insane thrust or have zero mass or anything like that. Orbital telescope mods are allowed, however, so that you can aim at faraway planets. -Your projectile must be a cubic octagonal strut and NOTHING ELSE. You can fire multiple cubic octaginal struts at once if you wish, however. -Your cannon must be in an orbit around kerbin no higher than 1000km -You must post a picture of your orbital cannon and a picture of the octagonal strut at its destination -Scoring will be separated by which planet/moon was shot at -Scoring will also be separated into highest/lowest final velocity -getting into a planet's sphere of influence is acceptable, but will automatically be ranked lower than all shots that actually hit said planet -HAVE FUN! My attempt: LEADERBOARD: Mun - @icantmakemodels, impact, v=3193m/s Minmus -Quasarrgames, SOI, v=21558.1m/s Duna Eve Jool
  5. Greetings! After inspiration from the movie Independence Day: Resurgence I decided to build myself a Intergalactic Cruiser. Now, the reason this craft is utilizing 10m parts is basically because of the following reasons I came up with for myself: 1. Alien fighter jets seem to swat out regular fighter jets instantaneously, thus they must be protected inside the ship. 2. Larger size means larger engines and a lot more fuel, thus allowing this bad boy to essentially fly outside of kerbal galaxy 3. It's designed to replenish it's humongous fuel supply through ore mining/conversion, and requires big tanks to store ore. Usage: Interstellar Travel, transport carrier for nearly any sized spacecraft (under 10m wingspan) Part Count: 60 Weightage: 1100 tons without fuel KSP Version: 1.0.5 Download Link: Soon Screenshots:
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