Alright, imagine this: The newest arrival of Humans recently landed on Mars in ____ (Whatever date you feel is realistic), but this time, with a few additional (Unmanned) ships, those unmanned ships contains equipment for use in mining, and Insert number here of the insert number here ships has miners, before Insert company name here sent the people, the insert number here ships landed on Mars, said that the colonists will be required to begin mining materials from and under the martian regolith for the construction of a Martian city that will also begin to make the colony self-sufficient.
Okay, drop all criticisms you may have for Mars colonies, as this is a thought experiment; Here are the questions
1: Where would be the best place for the colony to be?
2: What materials would they mine?
3: What would the city look like and function, and what would the social structure look like?
4: How long would a Martian city take to build?
5: What is the minimum level of technology needed to survive on Mars once you get there?
6: For further discussions on a similar topic, go here;