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  1. Mitsubishi F-4EJ Phantom II Towards the end of the 1960s the Japanese F-104 fleet started showing it’s age. Modern air-to-air combat shifted beyond the horizon and a modern, robust platform was needed to equip the JASDF for the new era. Soon after the deal was struck between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and McDonnell Douglas the production of the F-4EJ begun - it was the first 3rd generation fighter manufactured on Japanese soil and apart from missing the avionics necessary for guiding ground ordnance (due to post-war Japanese military limitations) was just as capable as it’s US counterpart. The F-4EJ saw long service with the JASDF, both in the standard and it’s modernized F-4EJ Kai versions with the last Phantoms being phased out from service in 2020. 301 Hikōtai is currently the last squadron using the F-4EJ and will recieve new F-35 fighters before the end of the year. This is a complete rebuild of my older F-4E and I am very satisfied with the result. Flight performance is admirable and the plane is very stable and pilot friendly in most cases! I hope you enjoy flying it out as much as I enjoyed building it. ACTION GROUPS: AG1 - Toggle afterburner AG2 - Toggle flaps AG3 - Toggle airbrake CHANGELOG: v1.0 - Initial release v2.0 - Revamped the engine section - intake/engine transition made smoother, exhaust nozzles made wider and more detailed, airbrakes added, external stores added, intake ramps revamped. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://kerbalx.com/EvenFlow/Mitsubishi-F-4EJ-Phantom-II
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