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I would like a plugin which basically provides a UI for all the ModuleResourceConvertors on a vessel. So you would be able to see each convertor, input resources, output resources, and maybe a efficiency option. You would be able to toggle each convertor on and off, as well as see the total resources going into convertors and total resources leaving convertors. Would also be cool if it supported some of the more popular mods, such as USI & Pathfinder. If it did support these mods, it would be useful to have a dropdown or something for their respective switchable convertors. I think such a mod could significantly improve gameplay in heavily modded installs. It would probably have to update every frame or ship update rather than scene change, because lots of mods switch convertors in-flight.
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Purtroppo non posso programmare, ma penso che qualcuno che trova interessante la mia idea potrebbe rilasciare la mod a cui sto pensando. La mod riguarda (come probabilmente avrai già letto) sui fluidi: un sistema che cambia il modo in cui funzionano le stive di carico e parti simili, ora se metti una stiva di carico in un aereo e ci metti delle parti avranno resistenza, sollevare... e quindi comportarsi come se fossero fuori, la mod dovrebbe risolvere questo problema e migliorare la fisica dell'acqua, come rendere inutili le prese d'aria sott'acqua, aggiungere alcune prese d'acqua con i motori ad acqua... sarebbe anche bello farlo così che nelle stive di carico non si vede acqua (sott'acqua) se sono chiuse, ma se si aprono si riempiono d'acqua e cambiano assetto e riempimento d'acqua. Sarebbe anche bello rendere più pericolosa l'esplorazione subacquea, aggiungendo la pressione dell'acqua che cambia con la profondità e facendo anche in modo che i kerbal subacquei indossino sempre una tuta intera. So che è piuttosto difficile da creare, ma sarei davvero felice di vedere un mod come questo essere rilasciato Qui lascio un'idea delle aggiunte della mod, dimmi se pensi che siano buone o meno Miglioramenti: Le baie di carico possono essere riempite d'acqua se vengono aperte sott'acqua e cambiano galleggiabilità, anche le baie di carico sono impermeabili quando sono chiuse La pressione aumenta sott'acqua, i cordoli e le parti possono essere distrutti se portati sott'acqua due ali staccate una di fronte all'altra si comportano come nella vita reale, non producono doppia portanza e resistenza, e un velivolo dietro l'altro ottiene la turbolenza tutte le parti aerodinamiche si comportano sott'acqua come farebbero in IRL (più controllo con le superfici di controllo) Parti: Cisterne di zavorra (Mk1, Mk2 e Mk3) Prese d'acqua Pompe dell'acqua Motori subacquei radiali Regolari motori subacquei Pozzetto resistente alla pressione Parti che resistono a forti urti (ad esempio potrebbero essere utilizzate per siluri lanciati dall'aria) Varie: Migliore visione subacquea I kerbal possono nuotare sott'acqua I Kerbals hanno bisogno di bombole di ossigeno per andare sott'acqua con l'EVA Do you think this could be cool?
- Fluid
- Underwater
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i have a question for @flywlyx - it is about the fleet of fog mod.....i am wondering if there's a way to add different colors to them? currently, i am using the mod, and loved it, tho it has 1 color to it- it is reddish pink, iirc, and was hoping to add an input to add, lets say, blue, green, yellow, purple, white and black (and reverse pattern), etc....would it be possible? and if so, would it be a slider in which you can select from 0 to 255 for rgb on 2-3 different values , or just multiple versions, with different ones different color and patterns? im hoping to have a torpedo's colors to represent- i401/iona Takao (both fog's and human's side) i400/i402 kirashima/haruna kongo hyuuga yamato musashi hiei myoko and the entire 'school council of the fleet of fog' as well as the stock torpedoes with that being said, i enjoy the mod, and hoping that more people will enjoy it in the unforeseen future
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- customization
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I was reading through ‘the missing manual’ ( and noticed this: “On the left side of the navball (between 6:30 and 10 o’clock, if the navball were a clock face) is your throttle indicator. It has a little white arrow indicator that tells you where your throttle is positioned. The very bottom of the scale, your engines are off, the very top of the scale, your engines are at full thrust. The scale also has a red area that currently is not used by the game. I’m assuming that this will be used in the future when it is possible to throttle your engines over their rated thrust”. Upon more searching, I found I was not the first person to notice this; In fact, in the very early versions of KSP it was a feature; Unfortunately this feature was removed. However, it shouldn’t be too difficult to make a mod for it. I can think of several great ways of implementing it, most of which have already been discussed in the reddit thread I linked to. For example, if you were to continue holding shift once you reach 100%, the engine would continue throttling up to say, 150%, until you release shift and it drops to 100% again. Engines being over-throttled might overheat or lose a significant amount of their ISP, and never be able to regain their previous ISP and thrust levels again, and maybe if you over-throttle an engine for too long it explodes. I’m also thinking that if you were to over throttle an ion engine it would lose some efficiency, electric charge consumption would skyrocket (sometimes literally), and if an ion drive if over-throttled for too long the batteries on you’re ship are fried. And if you were too over-throttle a nuclear drive, any Kerbals within a certain radius die of radiation poisoning if the drive is left on for too long.
After playing some KSP lately I realized, that subassemblies are still not manageable. I wish there would be at least a possibility to edit the name and description without resaving. One way to change these properties is editing the craft file, but do I need to leave the game?! Another feature I'm missing is the possibility to drag-and-drop subassemblies into subcategories or have a drop down list in an editor. In this regard having multiple subcategories assigned to a single subassembly, e.g "HabModule XY" in subcategory "station parts" and "KSS", would be nice to have. Imho this all should be stock but so far I'm addressing the experienced mod authors here, if I'm not missing a mod that is already out there. Any takers? P.S. And pls sb. fix that stupid SAS!
It would be fantastic to have a solar panel that folded and unfolded using the miura fold. The miura fold is an origami piece created by a japanese astrophysicist in order to be able to unfold solar panels with just one motor. You can learn more about it here. And here is a demostration of the unfolding process.
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