Does anybody know how the "MultiModeEngine" module handles the engine switch on code level? What makes the "MultiModeEngine" tick?
I have for long tried to make a more generel engine switching mod, but I keep bumping up against animations/effects disappearing or going crazy.... I've tried two approaches;
what I think is stock alike (i.e. having multiple engines, and switching between them by shutting them down and changing the the "Fields" not to be shown).
shadowing what is done in fuel switching (IFS and FS), by changing the settings of a single engine.
In both cases effect are a >>#¤%&/<< ...... I works the best with a single set of effects for all engine configurations, but I would really like it to work more generally than that.
I was somewhat lucky in version 1.1.2, with getting it work, while 1.1.3 killed it for some reason....
Any help would be greatly appreciated!