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never in the past i try to do a project like this, cos im use it to do little jets or some ssto; are easy to pilot and make it but a little choper even with the right pieces is extreme hard for me, cos i didnt know where the " points "(center of mass and the other 2) must be place i donwloaded kax to get the rotors engines and make it; but sooner i take off and get some speed i lost the control of my craft; i try to compensate puting some juno engines to force to go straight but it make it worst the things, so ...HELP ( and sorry my english if is confuse understand me )
Hello im jackstech i been streaming for almost a month and i been playing kerbal form quite long time; someone (NationalAeronauticsAndSpaceAdministration ) recomended me to pulish my work on the forums; finally i decided to do this. please dont be hard with me im a newbie player and a /newbie streamer and i starting with some basics things. sorry for my english; my english inst the best (im from colombia xD and i can barely talk /wirte spanish xD) so here are my work: other ksp mission that i made during my streamings: A mun mission that ended well a little ufo My f35 My 1st mon base an upgrade of my "low" tech rover my submarine: i was tryting to reach the 1km of depth a little try of historical rockets a powerfull ssto to mun a frustrating duna mision: a try to do a ship like the hermes from the martian in orbit: and here try to make a system to return the kerbonauts near ksc with the propper way:
Hello! Love the forums, decided I might lurk long enough to maybe help contribute to a mod or something. I own a brewery in Columbus, OH and love all things space.
I'm getting started with writing a KSP plugin, I've even got a PartModule that puts up a window with a button in it. Woo hoo! Now I'd like to show some text, e.g. show the current temperature, pressure, density and altitude. Can someone point me to an example of how to display text? I tried looking through the MechJeb source, but couldn't find the code that actually creates the GUI element. So, how do I draw text in a Window?