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Found 2 results

  1. Hot diggity!! I haven't made a forum post here in so long it's almost scary! The Nova rocket is personally my favorite rocket concept of all time, it was the original concept for a Moon rocket, which would've done a direct assent Lunar transfer, it also would've have a thrust of almost 12,000,000 lbs!!! For comparison, the Block II SLS would have a measly 9,200,000 lbs thrust Unfortunately, pressure to beat the soviets to the Moon by 1970, and the size of it, made it hard to pass, and by 1964 it was completely cancelled in favor of the smaller Saturn V. However, it's bigger brother would've made Mars exploration a real possibility in the late 1970s, and early 1980s, and it's thrust would've been almost 14,000,000 lbs. I mean, the POWER of it! MOAR resources http://news.discovery.com/space/history-of-space/nasas-biggest-rocket-120624.htm Here's a pdf: https://www.flightglobal.com/FlightPDFArchive/1959/1959%20-%202676.PDF A pic: And a video
  2. Previously we have had the discussion here about the hazards of space travel. http://microcapmagazine.com/2016-03-12-researchers-found-that-ancient-dust-found-in-meteorites-actually-came-from-exploding-stars/ This article discusses the origin of dust. The authors found using fingerprint Isotopes that particles in the meteorite, basically dust grains, prolly did not form in space, but formed in a classical Nova (reaction of a binary star companion with a dwarf) shooting essentially grains of dust into space. Previously people have been thinking that gas ejected from nova slowed down and interacted in places like our oort cloud forming dust, this study shows that the particles actually are ejected into space.
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