I've now been playing KSP for over a year! A whole lap around the sun! In that time I've built my first rocket...
...landed on the Mun and Minmus...
...and built a space station.
And I haven't even been beyond Kerbin's SOI yet! There's so much more to explore!
For such an awesome game (keep going SQUAD!), I couldn't have asked for a better community. You guys are awesome!
I hope to keep playing for the next year and beyond, so here's to another year of jumping for joy, laughing, crying, exploding, spinning out of control, mashing spacebar, quickloading, reverting to launch, forgetting parachutes, destroying the launchpad, running out of fuel, getting out and pushing, timewarping, enabling infinite fuel, troubleshooting bugs, installing mods, waiting for updates, adding moar boosters, running out of RAM, docking without RCS, flying overbuilt spacecraft and of course hanging out with everyone on this forum!
Happy new year from me and everyone in my Kerbal universe!