Hi guys. Today, I was toying with MJ while setting up relays around the Mun. In doing this, I have figured out a perfect way to set up your relay sattelites.
1. First off, this requires three relay sats, all attached to the same vessel, and, unless you are a rocket scie-- have internet access, MJ.
2. Get into the altitude you want for deploying your relay sats.
3. Deploy one satellite.
4. Make sure you are clear of it, then open up MJ's maneuver planner window.
5. Create a maneuver for a 2/3 resonant orbit and complete the burn. It doesn't matter when.
6. Tell MJ to circularize at your AP. Delploy Sat 2.
7. Repeat with Sat 3.
Give this a like if you found this helpful with your relay systems. It took me far too long to find this out myself.