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I'm calculating the time from periapsis, but for some reason it always returns me a positive number. So in this case, the calculation results correct, it gives me 5 seconds since rocket passed periapsis. However here: And in this case it also gives me 5 s since we passed periapsis, it should be -5 s ( or orbital period - 5), but no it gives me the absolute value. Here is the code ( C#) GetStaticProperties(); // Calculates all the static parameters, like eccentricity semiMajoraAxis etc double e = _eccentricity; // works fine till here trueAnomalyAtStart = -Math.Acos( Double3.Dot(_eccV, posIn) / (e * Double3.Magnitude(posIn)) ); print ( (Double3.Dot(_eccV, posIn)) / (e * Double3.Magnitude(posIn) ) ); eccentricAnomalyAtStart = 2d * Math.Atan(Math.Tan(trueAnomalyAtStart / 2d) / Math.Sqrt( (1d + e) / (1d - e) )); anomalyToPeriapsis = (eccentricAnomalyAtStart - e * Math.Sin (eccentricAnomalyAtStart)); // ^ this is the anomaly to periapsis, this is what I actually use in the orbit math timeToPeriapsis = anomalyToPeriapsis / meanMotion; // this is used just to show player time to periapsis If anyone know what the problem is, I would really apreciate it.