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Found 2 results

  1. As multiplayer will be a thing, a large number of people will be setting up roleplay and PVP-enabled servers, so, that presents them with a very interesting set of challanges. The most important one is transportation. The best option i see is a mod that facilitates FTL travel, or some kind of kraken drive ( to reach ~C ). What do you think the community will prefer? As for weapons, the stock parts can provide good (but limited) weapon capabilities. Some that come to mind are : Mini-missiles Engine plume accelerators Reaction wheel cutters Deorbit claw Colony irradiator Kraken drive interstellar missile Weaponizable Kraken glitch creator Kessler syndrome generator, mass debris cloud deployment Concentrated directional debris cloud driven mission launch disruptor satellite station. For ground defense, i think most efficient approach would be a missile with a fairing containing thousands of small struts, or cubes, that would be deployed in a cloud to destroy any incoming object, kind of like the distuptor satellite, but with a much higher debris density(this could also be deployed by a ship to protect itself). This only works if the part-breaking system remains similar to KSP-1. Some cool mods that not only PVP, but all modded servers would benefit from: Energy shields (for ships and colonies) Missile Shields Detection satellites Just disabling the ability for people to break other people's ships or Safezones. So, what do you think combat will look like? Those weapon ideas are made on the spot. What can you come up with? What about defending against them? How will large interstellar Warships work? Physics exploits? Mods that add in FTL drives?
  2. Hey i'm here to ask someone to do some BDA Fight vs me i want to test my skills with someone and not AI guard mode plane easy to lock here is my gmail to contact me (must contact me with it) leave your name and when you can do it [email protected]
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