I recently migrated to Linux (had enough of MS shenanigans) and restarted KSP. Now I tried to recreate my rover lander, but could not fit the 2.5 service bay UNDER the fuel tank, i have no idea why. Previously I tried to place the rover into the already fitted service bay with no success. Well, of course I could fit it in the bottom but not to the top. So I prefit the rover into the bay as sub assembly, which worked fine.
Strangely enough:
- I can fit the same stuff ABOVE, see screenshot, no matter how impossibly impossible it might be. Legit, eh?
- when I tried to make a screenshot of the stuff when trying to place it under the tank (while it´s red cuz it never got green :P) the whole everything just crashed. I mean even the op system. Tried 2 times, then gave up. So no screenshot of that, but will make a video if needed.
- I used the same design under win in the past, and it worked fine. So nothing else has changed ever since just linux.
I´m using no mods, and don´t even want to. Any ideas how I could overcome this?
Thanks in advance!