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  1. I completely forgot to upload this to the forums, but I have built a Lancaster with functioning propellers and a rotating turret completely in stock! It comes in as a big'un at 666 parts (That wasn't intentional I swear). So far, it's the biggest thing (in terms of part count) I've ever built in KSP. The propeller technology for this one was a reverse engineered engine I stole downloaded from Squiddy. As for the turret, I used RCS ball based bearings which I got from Azimech. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 70-80m/s (around 50-60m/s with a full bomb load) Top Speed (in a dive): 120+ m/s Stall Speed: 35m/s Takeoff Speed: 36m/s Climbrate: 7-10m/s (this is actually better than the real lanc) Download (HERE)
  2. For a very, very long time now, I've wanted to make a new version of that Spitfire I made a while back. I personally thought it wasn't very good, and I could've done a much better job, so I finally did. Now, technically, this is actually V3, however, I never released the other one I made since I figured out new techniques of making smoother looking aircraft as soon as I finished it. Just for perspective, here is the real Spitfire: Here is my old replica: And here is the newer version I made: As you may be able to see, the newer version is much cleaner, and is much closer to the original Spitfire. As an added bonus, It's also much faster, and the propeller doesn't pop out and break as easily. I have also included a speed build which shows myself building the Spitfire; the video is here: I didn't design the bearings used for the stock propeller in this aircraft. The original design being created by MajorJim, and then being modified using different parts by Klond and Azimech. Anyways, here are more pictures. The download and specifications are down below. Download: (HERE) Top Speed: 78m/s (sea level), 87m/s (3000-4000m) Top Speed (in a dive): 120-130m/s (depends on altitude and angle Stall Speed: around about 19-20m/s Takeoff Speed: around about 20-21m/s Climb Rate: 10-15m/s _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1: Decouple the propeller from the craft 2: Turn on SAS for the main craft, but not the propeller 3: Switch to propeller (using [ ] keys) 4: Hold down ALT + E until the roll meter is completely to the right 5: Wait until the aircraft takes off 6: Fly like normal, but avoid dipping below 20m/s. Thanks for reading this post! Be sure to check out the BF-109 I made recently (HERE)
  3. This gave me the idea, thanks to MiffedStarfish for indirectly giving me the idea for this replica! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As with my other forum posts, I credit MajorJim for creating the bearing I require to even think about building these replicas, check it out here! Also, big thanks to whoever designed the modification that allows you to use RCS thrusters as ball bearings. (Please tell me who made it as I want to credit them) Klond and Azimech for developing the RCS bearing. (Thank you qzgy for telling me who developed the technologies) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I assume you don't need any information on want the Spitfire is, so let's get right into the showcase! But just before I show my replica, here's the real deal here: And to compare, here's photos of the replica I made here: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions 1: Press space to decouple the propeller from the main craft. 2: Turn on SAS on the main craft (NOT THE PROPELLER) 3: Switch to the propeller 4: Hold down Alt+E until the Roll bar in the bottom left is completely to the left.\ 5: Switch back to the main craft 6: Don't touch the controls, and it should take off when it gets to 20m/s. 7: Fly like normal, but be gentle when it comes to dives. Don't exceed 70m/s. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Top Speed: 56m/s (may differ with altitude) Top Speed (In Dive): 70m/s (before propeller breaks) Takeoff Speed: 20m/s Download (HERE) Modified version by Azimech (which is lightyears better than mine) (HERE) (Don't mind the name, that's because I've made nine editions of the plane experimenting on which amount of reaction wheels work best, and the ninth worked the best.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hope you enjoy the craft! Any suggestions (Direct or indirect) would be great! The Spitfire was a bit of a challenge, but I managed to create it. Sorry for not posting for so long, I've just been slacking.
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