This is basically a continuation of the original Kerbal Spice Program run by @Badie (this is with her permission).
The goal is to create a craft that looks like food/something that looks like food.
The rules are that:
The parts should be stock (I might add a modded section later, but right now I'm trying to avoid mod pizzas and procedural corndogs).
It should have some kind of (at least theoretical) purpose, however vague. Ex: flying advertisement, food stand, Mun rover, etc.
The scoring system is kind of arbitrary.* I guess we can periodically update a set of categories.
First entrant:
@Cunjo Carl Cup of Tea
Most detailed:
@EBOSHI Cup of Tea
Most (plausibly) useful:
@martiplay28yt ISRU Popsicle
*if anyone has a better idea for how to work this, please let me know.
@ moderators If this should be somewhere else, feel free to move it.