McKerbals Goes to the Mun
We all knew it was going to happen. McKerbals has restaurants all over the world, and once the space program started it was inevitable. They were bringing a restaurant (and an outdoor deck) to the Mun.
The first to go was the restaurant itself (unmanned for safety reasons). After several failed attempts involving RUD (Rapid Unplanned Disassembly) and RUDOL (Rapid Unplanned Destruction Of the Launchpad), and an estimated cost of 3,964,327, (luckily, McKerbals has an infinite supply of restaurants), it was ready to go.
However, due to security reasons, it was not launched until the night.
After pushing it upwards for 5 kilometres, the Mainsails were lost and only the Rhinos remained. This was to be a "up-then-turn" launch, where there was no gravity turn due to the weight and instability of the restaurant.
The sun's rays, bending through the upper atmosphere, finally began to illuminate it.
Once it was in space, it finally turned and began adding to the horizontal velocity.
And here it is, in orbit, with only a small kick from the transfer stage needed to circularise.
Next time: The deck goes to orbit!