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  1. I recently had another series, 2mF, developing a KOS script to automatically fly, return and land boosters in KSP. I decided to try that again, this time with less "empirically determined values" and with explaining my code. This should make the script fit to multiple different missions, not just this one specific rocket. I hope to be able to demonstrate New Shepard, Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy like missions. This also is an editing-learning-experience for me. So I hope the audio quality on the next video will be better, I am trying! I want this to be a community-thing, so I am looking forward to your feedback, improvement suggestions and criticism! Links YouTube channel Forum Thread GitHub Repo Modlist CameraTools for recording DistantObjectEnhancement little dots for planets and ships PlanetShine planet illuminating the vessel Scatterer better atmosphere and water kOS programming rockets Other Info Text Editor Atom Syntax Theme Solarized Dark KSP Version 1.2.2 Video Editing Software Adobe Premiere Pro Microphone Blue Snowball Hans Episode #1: Automated Booster landing development tutorial using a KOS Autopilot script. Inaugural episode: Dumb suicide burn with a simple hop. I promise the audio will be better next time! Also go to the YouTube video, to like and subscribe!
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