Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, spaceception, that idea is batcrap crazy, and to you I say, no I'm not, Robert Forward is!
His idea for why Pluto was so wierd, was that it was a gift from an alien race, what was that gift? A giant ring about the size of mercury with 6x the mass of Earth made from neutron star matter. He proposed that it could accelerate a spacecraft to near the speed of light by passing through the ring in around a minute, with the acceleration of 1000 Earth gravities. And it wouldn't turn you into gourmet jelly because the spinning ring would act uniformly on all the atoms in your body, so you'd just get catapulted to another star really quickly.
The problem is, I tried to see exactly how fast you could get, but I don't think I found the right equation (or plugged the right numbers in) because the final speed is way below the speed of light, can anyone else help?