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Found 4 results

  1. Our Soviet Russia Engineer Vadim was expermenting with vodka air pressure sealed engines, yet he is genius! He was deeply involved into our past prototype machines! While he was expermenting he thought "wait a minute i can unseal it push air into engines and use cable management aha!" so he invited his neighbor Prakapenka that specializes in rzhavchina and locked in position these Vodka/air engines! Such holding quality surppasses Long-term Lada rzhavchina ȍbrūč! Our team in conclusion present you first ever Sputnik XI VodkaBoosted V8 RocketPlane with 8 engines runned by pure Vodka with injected air! Be careful one bad turn and all goes sideways! Enjoy Comrads! Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2011304978
  2. Earlier today, I messed around in the SPH and built a rocket plane. As a dare to myself, I blasted off and decided to land it as far away from the KSC as I could - despite the fact that my Dart engine could only burn for 1 minute and 38 seconds at full throttle. That also meant a lot of gliding time, which paid off a lot since I managed to land 342.5 km away from the KSC (at a 45-degree flight heading after taking off from 0-9 KSC). I used MJ to check the distance by programming the KSC's coordinates as a rover waypoint. Do you think you can go farther than that? Here are the rules for the challenge. As the name implies, it should be a rocket plane. Which means rocket tanks and engines ONLY. No intakes or air-breathing engines allowed. If you use a RAPIER, keep it on rocket mode. (UPDATE) SRBs okay, but I wouldn't recommend it since you can't shut them off. All stock parts. May use certain mods ONLY for navigation (like MJ), including: Determining pitch and speed (surface and vertical) Finding distance from KSC Getting orbital aspects. No cheats (duh). Need 1-person crew capacity and probe core (for remote control) Be sure to have a battery and/or a power source. Since you'll be doing a lot of gliding, you won't have the engine's alternator. The RAPIERS also don't have alternators, either. Solar panels inadvisable since they get snapped off easily at high speeds. Must land and take off like a plane. Can only take off from Runway 0-9 KSC The runway you always take off from. May change heading after taking off. Land in one piece. Failure to do so may result in a disqualification. You don't need to make a complete orbit around Kerbin (or even leave the atmosphere). If you do achieve orbit, just be sure to get it back down safely. And be sure to include pictures of the orbit as proof to receive extra points. Scoring system to come later (and yes, it will include the price). Have fun.
  3. This should be a nice simple challenge. Build an airplane, powered only by solid rocket engines, capable of taking off from the SPH runway and landing on the island runway. Rules: Solid rockets are the only propulsion allowed. No jets, no liquid rockets, no RCS, no infiniglide. Aerodynamic control surfaces only. If your command pod has reaction wheels, they must have torque turned off. Rolling takeoffs and landings; you can't use dedicated solid thrusters to lift off or anything messy like that. No staging, no damage. What takes off must come down in one piece. Kerbal it! You've gotta have a pilot; no probes. Is there scoring? Well, sort of. All submissions must be able to take off from the SPH runway and land on the island runway (velocity = 0) but there are leaderboards for different capabilities within that set. Your plane only needs the capability; you can get the following achievements/challenges on a separate run. I'll make a rockin' awesome badge if I get enough buy-in. Achievements/challenges: Speedrun. Take off, come to a full stop on the island runway, return, and come to a full stop on the SPH runway, in as short a time as possible. Shockwave. Reach the highest possible airspeed (below 60 km altitude). No recovery required. Endurance. Travel as far as possible from the SPH and make a successful rolling landing. Spaceballs. What's the highest altitude you can achieve? No recovery required. Featherweight. What's the lowest-mass solution you can manage? Replication. Make your solution look as close as possible to a real-life aircraft (I'll judge). More achievements/challenges may be added based on demand.
  4. Great Fox Download Now! Click for a GIF and more images Fight against the forces of Andross with your own Great Fox battleship! Great Fox is a flyable rocket-plane. She does not have forward landing gear so instead you will have to use the jet system to hover the front end as you taxi down the runway. She flys under her own power without VTOL engine jet assist once you clear 100m/s. She cannot make orbit on her own, a booster assist system is required (which is currently still in development). She will seat 36 kerbals with 2 additional exterior seats, her large guns also act as personal rocket vehicles. There are countless docking ports of all sizes located all around the ship and inside the 3 cargo bays. Please don't let Andross take over Corneria, you are our only hope!
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