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Found 3 results

  1. So, my experiment station is on the far side of the Mün. A solution is usually "Hey, let's connect using a relay. Easy peasy, right?"' Nope. These guys have pretty good relays, GREAT connection all around-- just not to each other. Yes, I've looked at other threads, like https://steamcommunity.com/app/220200/discussions/0/135510669598463932/, , and other things. There a setting or something? Maybe my mods are a bit of an issue? Info (though none of my mods really do relay stuff, I... I think): Version Network view: Actual Relays: Any help very much apprec'd :)
  2. Hello I have a question, because of the satellite system I used to have several working satellites around Kerbin with an RA-100 relay antenna. Then I let it crash and put it back into a better orbit. Now I have no connection at all to any object (space stations, rovers and probes) in space with an antenna even though this worked. Antennas are extended. Did anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance -MarKu
  3. Satellites 1, 2, and 3 are in Keosynchronous orbits roughly forming an equilateral triangle. The backup is always in view of at least one satellite and most often two. KSC is always in view of two satellites. This gives coverage out to the range limits of the system.
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