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  1. Orbital Survey Scan celestial bodies from orbit --------------------------------------------- Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3519/Orbital Survey Source: https://github.com/Falki-git/OrbitalSurvey Authors: Falki FEATURES Scan surfaces of all celestial bodies and generate 2D maps. Available maps are: Visual and Region Display an overlay of the acquired map in 3D space (Flight view) or in Map3d (Map view) Display vessel positions, names and geographic coordinates in the mapping UI Create waypoints that will show in Map UI, Flight view and Map3d view Zoom, pan and track active vessel in the mapping UI Experiments trigger in Exploration mode when mapping milestones are achieved at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the scanned surface (GIF not updated to current UI) REVIEW HOW DOES IT WORK? Antenna parts gain an ability to start scanning Each antenna part in the game with a maximum range of >1 Gm gains an orbital survey module Each antenna part can do either Visual or Region mapping. See the descriptions in R&D and OAB to see which mode it has Initiate the scans by parking your vessel in orbit and enable scanning (right-click the antenna part and toggle scanning) Open the Orbital Survey map and watch as your vessel collects scanning data by orbiting the body Toggle the Planetary overlay to see your scans overlayed on the body in real time (GIF not updated to current UI - each antenna has a fixed mode that cannot be changed) Each scanning mode – Visual and Region – has an ideal altitude at which the scanning area is optimal. Being at lower or higher altitudes applies a progressive penalty for the scanning area. Below the minimal and above the maximal altitude scanning is no longer possible. Ideal, Minimum and Maximum Altitudes depend on the Body Category the vessel is orbiting. E.g. Minmus -> Small, Mun -> Medium -> Kerbin -> Large Experiments trigger in Exploration mode When mapping milestones are achieved at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the scanned surface, experiments will complete and their Research reports will show up in the Research Inventory Research reports are generated on all vessels that participated in the creation of that report When experiments are complete, a notification will pop up to notify you about the event. If you're not controlling a vessel that participated in that mapping, switch to it so that you can transmit the report and collect that juicy Science Create Waypoints by right-clicking on the Map UI Delete already created Waypoints by right-clicking on their marker icon and selecting Remove For best results park your vessel in a polar orbit, as close as possible to 90° inclination as that orbit covers the entirety of the orbiting body Be careful not to lock yourself into a resonant orbit. If you notice your map isn't being revealed, that your vessel keeps orbiting over the same patches of land it already scanned, you're likely in a resonant orbit. Tweak your apoapsis and periapsis a bit to leave orbit resonance. You don't have to be exactly at the Ideal altitude. NOTES Kerbol (the star) cannot be scanned "Always show Map view overlay" setting can be found in Settings -> Mods -> Orbital Survey. If toggled, Map view overlay will always be applied to every body in game. This effectively makes all bodies "hidden" in Map view until you scan them. 2.5x Kerbolar System is supported INSTALLATION Automatic It's highly recommended to use CKAN to download Orbital Survey (and any other mod really) as it will take care of mod placement and installing dependencies Grab the latest version of ckan.exe from here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases Open CKAN and point to the location of your KSP2_x64.exe (commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2) Select Orbital Survey from the list and click on Apply changes Manual Install BepInEx + SpaceWarp + UITK for KSP2 + Patch Manager + Premonition For SpaceWarp (see Dependency chapter) Grab Orbital Survey .zip file from SpaceDock Extract the contents of the .zip into your KSP2 installation folder (commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2) Mod folder will be placed in ..\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\ DEPENDENCY Space Warp + BepInEx - v1.9.2 or later UITK for KSP2 - v2.4.2 or later Patch Manager - v0.9.0 or later Premonition For SpaceWarp - v0.2.0 or later ATTRIBUTION Icon by flaticon.com - Satellite icons created by mattbadal - Flaticon -- NOTE Some Regions are quite rare on certain bodies so they could be considered spoilers. You've been warned! Toggle off the setting for the legend if you want a fully spoiler free playthrough CHANGE LOG
  2. I have used the M700 Survey Scanner over Minmus, gotten the resource overlay to show, and gotten a mining vessel into minmus' orbit. Now that its there, I cant see anything in the resource overlay. When I have Minmus selected as focus and open the planet cutaway tab I see the ore percentage in the tab, but it wont show the concentration map overlayed on the moon. I have the cutoff set to 0%, but no matter what it is set at nothing shows. The scanner is no longer in orbit, could that be the problem? Or do I need the surface scanner on my mining vessel? I have full signal strength, full power, and am sitting in a polar orbit under 55km. Any ideas on why I cant see anything? Thanks!
  3. Two quick and simple questions that I figured I'd stuff into one thread 1. When gathering science data around KSC in Career (or Science probably too), how in the world do you gather science from some of the places that only show up after upgrading buildings: The Pod monument at VAB, Round Tanks at VAB, each of the 3 satellites at Tracking Station..... I know there that science is available there, but, it seems like there is maybe a 1x1 pixel size you need to have your craft touch to be considered at those locations. I built a small rover that could go under the Round Tanks, and it still didn't trigger that I was at Round Tanks in Science X mod. On the satellites at the Tracking Station, I drove half my rover on the bottom base of the satellite, and it still wouldn't detect I was at the location. When I managed to do the Pod monument, I pretty much had to ram my rover into the monument, keep on the gas, and hold it there to keep the location as active to collect science data here.....not easy. So, am I missing something? Is there an easier way to grab the science at some of these locations? 2. I think I know the answer here, but was just curious......if I launch a scanning satellite and scan Mun for ore, if I start a new game, is the ore going to be in the exact same location? I'm thinking yes that technically, once you scan a moon or planet, you could actually just save off screenshots and use those every time you play, no matter what save you are loading. More of a curiosity question than anything.
  4. Hi there, Could enhanced scanning be an option that can be toggled both on and off - for it seems to limit me more than help when I'm stuck with a FoV between 160 - 170 rather than having options to zoom close into the surface. I can certainly see the the upside but just so if say I have a RoveMate on a planet surface but I want to have a closer look at something in the Kerbnet screen I can disable enhanced scanning for a moment to allow me to bring back down to 5 deg FoV then I can switch it back on once I'm done.
  5. Hey there, Could we allow the M4435 Narrow-Band Scanner to toggle its scan displays for both biomes and terrain along with ore? I believe this used to be a feature and think should still be a feature otherwise how can you scan terrain when you have a manned craft without having a probe body on it just for the sake of scanning, seems silly to me. Thoughts?
  6. So Jool takes a long time and a lot of electricity to scan, amirite? I was wondering about the differences in time and power consumption when survey-scanning different bodies, but all I could find was the general idea that it generates data and has to be transmitted, like science. But how much data? So I scanned every body and did some math and here you go! Replicated here, but this is all hand-entered so don't trust it completely: Power (⚡) Body Kerbol Kerbin Mun Minmus Moho Eve Duna Ike Jool Laythe Vall Bop Tylo Gilly Pol Dres Eeloo Mits – 123 42 15 51 141 66 27 1200 102 63 15 123 3 9 30 45 Communotron 16 – 738 252 90 306 846 396 162 7200 612 378 90 738 18 54 180 270 Communotron 16-S – 738 252 90 306 846 396 162 7200 612 378 90 738 18 54 180 270 Communotron DTS-M1 – 738 252 90 306 846 396 162 7200 612 378 90 738 18 54 180 270 Communotron HG-55 – 820 280 100 340 940 440 180 8004 680 420 100 820 20 60 200 300 Communotron 88-88 – 1230 420 150 510 1410 660 270 12000 1020 630 150 1230 30 90 300 450 HG-5 High Gain Antenna – 1107 378 135 459 1269 594 243 10800 918 567 135 1107 27 81 270 405 RA-2 Relay Antenna – 2952 1008 360 1224 3384 1584 648 28800 2448 1512 360 2952 72 216 720 1080 RA-15 Relay Antenna – 1476 504 1080 612 1692 792 324 14400 1224 756 180 1476 36 108 360 540 RA-100 Relay Antenna – 738 252 90 306 846 396 162 7200 612 378 90 738 18 54 180 270 Time(s) Body Kerbol Kerbin Mun Minmus Moho Eve Duna Ike Jool Laythe Vall Bop Tylo Gilly Pol Dres Eeloo Mits – 123 42 15 51 141 66 27 1200 102 63 15 123 3 9 30 45 Communotron 16 – 37 13 5 15 42 20 8 360 31 19 5 37 1 3 9 14 Communotron 16-S – 37 13 5 15 42 20 8 360 31 19 5 37 1 3 9 14 Communotron DTS-M1 – 22 7 3 9 25 12 5 210 18 11 3 22 1 2 5 8 Communotron HG-55 – 6 2 1 3 7 3 1 60 5 3 1 6 0 0 2 2 Communotron 88-88 – 6 2 1 3 7 3 1 60 5 3 1 6 0 0 2 2 HG-5 High Gain Antenna – 22 7 3 9 25 12 5 210 18 11 3 22 1 2 5 8 RA-2 Relay Antenna – 43 15 5 18 49 23 9 420 36 22 5 43 1 3 10 16 RA-15 Relay Antenna – 22 7 3 9 25 12 5 210 18 11 3 22 1 2 5 8 RA-100 Relay Antenna – 11 4 1 4 12 6 2 105 9 6 1 11 0 1 3 4 The original data and calculations are in this Google Sheet, so check me and correct me!
  7. Can't understand this; I have a probe scanning Minmus on a nearly perfect polar orbit (see MechJeb window) but the tracks it is doing on the ground while scanning are inclined like 30-45º... I have checked the Wiki and can't find any mention of Minmus axis having any inclination. Any ideas?
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