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Found 2 results

  1. Kervo™ H-1 2-SEAT SPORTS CAR STOCK (BREAKING GROUNDS EXPANSION) Experience the spirit of sporting in Kervo's first automobile, the H-1. The H-1 is a front engine, rear wheel drive sports car featuring a stock integrated boost system capable of doubling the vehicle's top speed1 The H-1 features a rear wing that provides aggressive down-force for tight2 cornering at high speeds. 0-60: 18.5 seconds3 Length: 7.7 meters Curb Weight: 11.6 tons Part Count: 615 Cost: 142,456 IBS: 1. Recorded increase of %100.2 2. Cornering at high speeds is not encouraged by Kervo Motor Company 3. With boost activated Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/Kervo/Kervo-H-1 WARNINGS: Use of the integrated boost system should be restricted to closed tracks Turning at high speeds may result in rollovers Extended use of the integrated boost system may result in overheating This craft is somewhat resource demanding
  2. Hello guys. I have a suggestion here. Recently, Falcon Heavy, world's most powerful rocket, launches into the orbit with Tesla Roadster in it. So why don't we add that into game, launch the rocket,the car orbits around the universe and landed on the moon or mars or any other planets? Sounds cool right? Plus, make it drivable.
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