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  1. - A place for others still playing Galileo's SSRSS to share ideas about how to keep this great mod working - NOTE: This is not a relaunch or a revival. Nor is it a petition to the author or attempt to get support from him. He locked his SSRSS thread and AFAIK there are no plans to change that. We are here to help each other. For those interested in trying this out, the SSRSS mod is still up on GitHub. - Remember, this is unsupported, so be prepared to work things out for yourself - Install Instructions: (additional detail on the Github site) Download Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases Download and install RSS: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealSolarSystem/releases (ONLY install the RealSolarSystem folder. The bundled Kopernicus and ModularFlightIntegrator is outdated) Download and install RSS TEXTURES: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RSS-Textures/releases Install Sigma Dimensions: https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-Dimensions/releases Install the SSRSS folder into your GameData folder: https://github.com/Galileo88/SSRSSContinued CKAN Install: I've had success setting CKAN to accept KSP 1.3 files and installing SSRSS that way. Feel free to try it FAQ Does this work with newer versions of KSP? Several of us have had success using the current version of Kopernicus. That said your mileage may vary, especially with regards to other mods. How do I get help / support? This is very "Do it Yourself". Before asking questions please read carefully through the install instructions and try to solve it. If you figure something out feel free to share Can this mod get re-released? There are no plans now and AFAIK the author doesn't intend to either. If you have modding skills and want to adopt it I would ask Galileo directly. Can anyone (fix this) / (change that) / (Make it work with X)? Only if we can do it ourselves. We can't expect support from the author and we aren't going to ask. Original locked thread here: Still a lot of good info on there if you want to read through it:
  2. Hi everybody ! I contact you because I have a little problem ^^ After days and days of experiments I finaly mad SSRSS work on KSP 1.6.1. As you read in the title, everything work perfectly except of Scatterer. It work good on the global map window but in KSC and Flight View all the sky and the sea are completely dark. I tried now for a few week to make it work, I changed .CFG files, Folders, set it for RSS... But nothing work. Scatterer is suppose to work well with SSRSS (I know it's for 1.3.1 version normaly), so I really think there is just a little line to change or something like that to make everything work. But I understand nothing about programming... Is there a very nice person who is ok to help me or take a look to my game data folder to see what break scatterer ? I know there is some people who realy want play SSRSS with one of the latest KSP version, don't hesitate to ask me my folders, as I said everything else work fine Thank your for your help !
  3. This is a continuation of Stock Size Real Solar System, Originally by @sDaZe and myself. Big thank you to @OhioBob for all of the help with atmospheres and other sciency things I don't understand! This makes RSS, well, you guessed it, stock size! Change Log: v0.0.3.1 Update version file for 1.3.1 Adjusted Scatterer's load and unload distances Adjusted the sunlight curve Fixed Saturn's rings. No longer show up black. DOWNLOAD INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS for SSRSS 1. Download and install Kopernicus: LINK 2. Download and install RSS: LINK (ONLY install the RealSolarSystem folder. The bundled Kopernicus and ModularFlightIntegrator is outdated) 3. Download and install RSS TEXTURES: LINK 4. Install Sigma Dimensions: LINK 5. Install the SSRSS folder into your GameData folder 6. For proper day length, install Kronometer LINK To replace the sun flare, you must replace the textures that come with SSRSS located in GameData\SSRSS\visuals\scatterer\SunFlares\Sun with the sun flare of your choosing OPTIONAL: Kronometer, EVE, Scatterer, Distant Objects Enhancements, PlanetShine all have support. Thread links below. just download and install. DO NOT INSTALL RSSVE OR ANY OTHER VISUAL PACK FOR RSS. THEY WILL NOT WORK. -Kronometer - Highly recommended to get the correct time in game https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161218-130plugin-kronometer-v130-2/ -Environmental Visual Enhancements http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149733-122-environmentalvisualenhancements-12-2/& (do not install the configs) -Scatterer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip122-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v00300-22012017/& -Distant Object Enhancements http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/89214-12x-distant-object-enhancement-bis-v181-20-october-2016/#comment-1503616 -PlanetShine http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/87012-12-planetshine-v0252-stable-v05-experimental-4-october-2016/#comment-1456424 And a little extra, cool stuff for everyone: Use this to get high detail terrain with SSRSS. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! (I even included pictures) High Detail Preset Part Max Pressure Patch Every time you donate, a puppy gets adopted...ok, not really but it does keep my motivation strong and my coffee cup filled! This mods is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
  4. Hey everyone, First of all, from everything that I've read I can ascertain that the majority of you are helpful, kindhearted individuals; I want to say thank you for that. That being said, I feel as if I may be asking the wrong questions. So instead of posting where all the developers are posting, (and asking stupid questions), I'm going to ask this question here -- where my newbishness is assumed and expected. KSP 1.3 Game Data Screen Shot: http://imgur.com/a/yngN5 (all mods are up to date) I've tried to install the SSRSS (Kerbin sized real solar system) after reading the entirety of the latest thread for the mod -- which contains very specific instructions, updates along the way, and countless confirmations that it's working properly on 1.3. However, all three times I haven't been able to get anything to work. Now I'm wondering if there's some mod out there that I've just never happened upon; that no one talks about, that's sort of an "Oh, you didn't know you needed that? EVERYONE knows that", type thing. I've posted on that thread but my question seems to stick out in a bad way and feel stupid posting there due to my ignorance of how all of this really works. Anyway, I'm in no rush and appreciate any support someone is willing to give me.
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