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Found 2 results

  1. Since @Great Liao made a small discussion page on this part of the forum outlining their take on OPM to see what others thought, I will take a similar direction and create this page for feedback on my flagship mod. Years mentioned here are relative to Hera's, with Year 1 being the arrival of the colony ship. CORE WORLDS Kera and Orwen Kera and Orwen are 2 supermassive black holes, which are in a near-contact binary. Their accretion disks are strangely dim, which has allowed life to spring up near the 2 black holes. Erflam - The first world out from the binary, Erflam is a lava world being shredded by the tidal forces. It has oceans of lava hot enough to melt tungsten. Sarkas - The second world from the binary. It has a breathable atmosphere complimented by 3 moons, a small ring system and plains of salt with small puddles of water in them. Jead - Sarkas' first moon. Jead is the shepherd moon of the rings and has a small equatorial ridge. Raser - Sarkas' version of the Mun. ~133km in size and in a similar orbit to the Mun, indirectly shepherding the rings from orbital resonances. Blok - Sarkas' 3rd moon, being a captured ꞌAylóꞌchaxnim. Blok is named after the fact that it looks like, acts like, and has the aerodynamic qualities like a block. Hera - The third world of the system, being fully habitable! It's where the Kerbals now live. Hera has a moon with a breathable atmosphere and a recently captured comet. The 2 moons are essentially the Mun and Minmus, but better. Simimun - Hera's only major moon, and the first moon, being a large Mun-sized object with a habitable atmosphere, a small magnetosphere and a brown discoloration. Portmanteau of Mun and Similar. Coptare - An abnormally large captured comet with a blueish color. Has a small tail from the fact that it's layer of water ice is sublimating. Binoc - Hera's trojan partner, residing in the L5 lagrange point. Other than that it's mostly unremarkable. Alerva - A Duna-like planet with no atmosphere and a blue tint due to it's surface being coated with copper sulfates. In a binary with Nafva. Nafva - Alerva's binary partner. Has an anomalous non-boiling red fluid on it's surface, contrasting Alerva's copper sulfate induced blue tint. Reara - Circumbinary moon, with all the general characteristics of an average moon. Rich in ore. Leaso - A gas giant with 9 moons and 2 trojan partners, making a total of 11 bodies under it's influence. It's orange-red color reminds some of Sarnus. L/1993 W 1 - The innermost object of Leaso, discovered during the winter solstice of 1993. Teeny shepherd moon that could easily orbit Gilly. Helk - The innermost moon of Leaso that has an actual name. Also a shepherd. Spaedo - The smallest round moon of Leaso. ~240km, the outermost shepherd moon. Conter - A retrograde moon of Leaso. Pretty grey. L/2002 H 2 - Lagrangian partner of Conter, discovered during Harvest of 2002. Tiny little thing with a peanut-like shape. Ceyas - Largest moon of Leaso. Keeps it's tilt in check and stops the moons from going on Apocalypse trajectories. L/2002 H 1 - Retrograde minor moon of Leaso, with a near- polar orbit sweeping between Cwas and Oren. Eroia - 2nd furthest moon of Leaso. Tends to spin fast, making it oblate. Hiight - Furthest moon of Leaso. Portmanteau of High and Sight. 2154 Bradley - L5 partner of Leaso, with a small moon in the 10s of kilometers. Named after famed KSPtuber Bradley Whistance. 74012 Lowne - L4 partner of Leaso with plains of.. sand? Named after famed KSPtuber Matt Lowne. TLOs Plous - Oblate methane iceball with 1 moon. Dubious planetship, which on better days, leads to heated arguments and on bad days, portable boxing matches. Teyo - Plous' only moon, being half methane ices and half kerolox. Spherical despite being ~19km in radius. Haarta - Haumea, now with 100% more cryovolcanoes! Eriio - Eris, Makemake and Hoth rolled into one dwarf planet. Red in colour with a thick, breathable atmosphere and 2 moons. E1 - First moon of Errio, super dark. Bring lights in case you get eaten by a Grue Kraken! E2 - A tiny iceball with magic rushing through its many ravines. THE CLIFFS Miosa- A brown dwarf creating a cliff in Trans-Leasoian Objects, acting as the point where local interstellar space begins. Keri - Europa-like moon with red cracks in its icy crust. Arie - Keri's lagrangian partner. Resides in the L4 point. Dres - By some miracle, Dres survived being ejected after Kerbol died, then smacked into Trans-Neidonian Object 83941 Thule and survived THAT, and finally got captured by Miosa. Still keeps a fragment of Thule in a low orbit. Keo - A fragment of Thule that survived the aforementioned incident with Dres, still orbiting it to this day. 2nd smallest moon. Potyea - A moon of Miosa with rings. Also has heavy contrast in colours between the equatorial ridge and midlands. Okera - Tekto's very angry cousin. Almost Kerbin-sized with 3 atmospheres of nothing but hydrocarbons and poisonous C02, all wrapped up with a giant methane sea, with the only islands being annoyingly mountainous. Ryia - A tiny gas giant caught by Miosa while Dres was migrating. Yellow in colour with some generic asteroids around it. (Other stars will be added as the system evolves)
  2. So recently, I had the brilliant idea of "Submods", which are smaller parts of a large mod released separately, usually before the main mod releases as a small taste of the full thing. This first submod for my main mod Melanohelioi includes the desert planet Sarkas, which has the following features: A breathable atmosphere Rings Salt flats with small amounts of water in them 3 moons, 1 shepard moon and 2 outer moons Orbits between Moho and Eve Unfortunately, when i load the config for Sarkas and it's only moon as of present, Jead, the game gives me a warning saying that "The planets can't be loaded and playing the game at this state isn't a good idea". Here's the configs and logs. Sarkas: Jead: Logs: If anyone could help, i would appreciate that very much. Edit; situation resolved. turns out i forgor to add materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation to my code
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