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Found 4 results

  1. Yesterday I started a new game with Principia. I tried to rendezvous two ships on low Mun orbit (Pe=Ap=15km) . Being new to Principia, I wasted a lot of fuel tweaking around and ended up finding that I had only 174m/s to go home. I found that if I put all of the delta-v into a prograde burn I would reach an unstable orbit, where there might be some ways to leave Mun. But I failed to find such ways. Do those ways exist? Is there a minimal delta-v for this transfer? If there really is one, then what is it?
  2. I'm trying to intercept Moho for a mission. Basically to create a new outpost. So far so good. I used the transfer calculator to get the time for the transfer and left Kerbin 10 days prior to the best window. I thought that I would need to use more dV than usual. When I tried to do the burn to get on the same inclination as Moho, I found that it was going to be on the other side of the orbit (see the image) Is there any way to fix the transfer? Thanks
  3. I don't understand the difference between a hohmann transfer orbit and a bi-elliptic transfer orbit. Can anyone explain please?
  4. Problem scenario: Your vessel is in low Kerbin orbit. Your goal is to reach Jool using as little delta-V as possible. You know if you immediately make a burn, the transfer orbit won't hit Jool at the right time and place. So you have to wait for a better window. You want to make the manouver node NOW that is or a time way ahead in the future. The only way to do it now is to increment the time of the node forward by 1 orbit around Kerbin. 1 orbit in low kerbin orbit is maybe an hour, but your window might be 100 kerbin days away. That means you would need to click the increment button 600 times. My idea is that you can use the parent body's orbit to create a pseudo-manouver-node for the parent body. This pseudo-node can be handled as a regular manouver node that can be moved with anchors that can be pulled to create a hypothetical trajectory. Encounters with a target body will also be shown. Once you find a good trajectory, you can transfer the time of the pseudo-node to a newly created node on your current planetary orbit. The hypothetical burn does not transfer over. Then you can adjust the node on the planetary orbit to get a similar trajectory as the the hypothetical one. This would allow you to create nodes far off in the future and would also make it easier to find a good window for transfer burns. Drawbacks as far as I can tell: It simplifies finding good transfer windows and maybe ruins the game for players who want to figure things out more mathematically. The pseudo nodes might create clutter and confusion for the player. It might not be obvious for the player how the new manouver nodes were created and what they mean. You can't timewarp comfortably 100 days ahead in a low Kerbin orbit anyway. Maybe the player should just get used to timewarping from the tracking station first and worry about manouver nodes close to when the burn needs to happen. If your current orbit gets you an encounter with a moon before the time of the manouver node, your orbit will be different. It is not obvious how this should be handled by the game.
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