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Lately I have been getting some questions after posting some super ultra widescreen screenshots. So I thought I’d write a tutorial so everybody can benefit, it’s not that hard to accomplish, and it doesn’t have to be expensive either. I’ve tried to make this as fool proof as I can, but if there are questions or things that need clarification, just drop a line, it’s still a WIP. Everybody knows that KSP can display so many informational windows, not to mention windows from mods like KER and xScience, that visibility can get cramped quickly and you often have to choose wisely to keep it playable. I had some old monitors that I took home from work many years ago because they were replaced by bigger ones, hooked them up and started goofing around, with very satisfying results! KSP scales beatifull! Off course you can fork out for a brand new Ultawide monitor, but then again, you can do this on a budget! Under 50 dollars easily! Superb Immersion guaranteed. 1. What do you need? -First of all, Deskspace. Don’t underestimate how much space you might need, the simplest setup when you already own a 24” 16:9 primary monitor will span about 4,5 ft. -A moderate gaming graphics card with at least 3 monitor outputs. Outputs can be mixed, but you either need the appropriate cable or converter(s). When needing converters to convert from HDMI of DisplayPort, make sure you get 'active' converters instead of 'passive' ones. Furthermore I recommend at least 2GB of VRAM. -Multi monitor software, this is needed if you want your middle monitor to remain your primary monitor and can be either a freeware or paid solution, more on that later. -A few bucks to score some cheap second hand monitors and appropriate cables or 'active' converters. -For some most, a forgiving spous, either for accepting that you are about to ruin the estatics of the living room, or accepting that you’ll spend a fair share of time away in a separate computer room. 2. Selecting the right monitor size and resolution You need to find out the specifications of your current monitor, if you haven’t got the manual than Google is your friend. The needed specifications are: -Screen size -Aspect ratio -Resolution -Dot pitch (how big is each individual pixel) When you have these numbers it’s time to figure out what size monitors would complement your main monitor, a really handy website to figure this out is On that website you can compare monitor sizes and aspect ratio’s against each other. What you need to put your main focus on when comparing is the screen height, ensure that the probable monitor is equal or a bit smaller in height than your main monitor. I’ve found the ideal (when on a budget) size to accompany a 24” 16:9 FHD main monitor are 17” 5:4 monitors with a resolution of 1280x1024. If you have a different size or resolution main monitor, then you have to fiddle some more to get the right sizes for your setup. 3. Buying 2 second hand monitors You could get lucky here, small 'squared' monitors are getting dumped for bigger 16:9 monitors, second hand websites are full of them and very often they are sold in vast numbers. Buying in pairs shouldn't cause to much trouble. Prices are peanuts because nobody want small monitors anymore. If you are really realy lucky, you could find these monitors on the side of the road. A few pointers: -Google the specifications of the offered monitors, ensure that the “Dot pitch” are equal or at least very close to your primary monitor, this ensures that the picture across the monitors will align and the picture won’t deform. -Get them by the pair, 3 different monitors will look bad. -The smaller the screen bezel, the better -Pay attention to the monitor inputs and try to negotiate the appropriate cables with the monitors. -If you need to covert the graphic card outputs, make sure you get 'active' converters instead of passive ones. 4. Aligning monitors Again this will take some fiddling, because of KSP having user interfaces on all sides I suggest physically aligning the monitors on the top (or bottom) compared to the main monitor. Don’t forget to align the monitors in Windows as well (in the monitor configuration panel, you can drag and drop the monitors to align, and you can sort the monitors into the right configuration here as well) After you’ve done that, you should definitely try to go into the monitors setup menu’s to get the color temperature, brightness, contrast and gamma as close to each other as possible. 5. Creating a custom ‘virtual’ resolution Now this is where the fun begins, If you have an ATI graphics card, you should be able to use ‘Eyefinity’ to mold the three monitors into one virtual monitor. Even if you are running 3 monitors with different sizes and resolutions. Unfortunately I have not got any experience with that because I don’t have an ATI card at the moment. It does get a bit more difficult when you have an NVidia card, NVidia does have ‘NVidia Surround’ like ATI has ‘Eyefinity’, but the downside is that it does not accept molding the three monitors into one if they have different resolutions. But off course there are workarounds to this issue, for this workaround I suggest you watch this youtube video, the first 5 minutes are most relevant. What custom resolution should you make? For the width you just have to add up the total of the three monitors, In my case it’s 1280 + 1920 + 1280 = 4440. For the height you take the lowest the monitors, which is 1024 for me. Resulting in an custom resolution of 4440 x 1024 6. Setting up multi monitor software If you want the most left monitor to be your ‘primary monitor’ for everything, you don’t need this, but then you are basically running all games from the left monitor, which isn’t really ideal unless you are going to run all games in the super widescreen resolution. So what we need is a ‘hotkey’ key combination to move games from the primary monitor to the left monitor when running. There are a multiple softwaretools that you could install to configure such a hotkey key combination. I use the paid version of DisplayFusion (Mainly because it has more functions like rotating backgrounds with bezel correction and such. But there are open source freeware tools like ‘Dual Monitor Tool’ and many more like that, http:// has a good summary of alternatives. So it’s all about preference here, all you need is to configure a keycombination that lets you move active windows to an other (or previous) monitor. Extra NOTE: There was a good suggestion by Foxter that Windows itself has a Keycombination to move App's to other monitors, The hotkey is WinKey+Shift+arrow key, Unfortunately I have not been very succesfull with that after some testing But you could be lucky that it will work out for you, If that is the case, I'd love to hear the experiences. 7. Setting up and running KSP What we need KSP to do is to run in ‘Windowed borderless mode’ so that we lose the top bar and borders, this is easily achieved by giving the KSP shortcut or Steam start button the extra startup commandline ‘-popupwindow’ like in the pictures below. After that you start the game as normal and go to ‘settings’ and ‘graphical’, where you change the resolution to the magical virtual resolution you made at step 5 and uncheck the ‘Full Screen’ setting. Press ‘apply’ and ‘save’ and last but not least, press the hotkey key combination you configured at step 6 to move KSP to the left monitor. And there you go, KSP spans across all monitors and you can enjoy KSP at its finest. But there is more… 8. UI Scaling, FOV and Camera aim KSP is very good in undocumented keypresses and combinations which can be used in game, I keep learning new ones frequently, here are a few that come in real handy, especially when running wide screen: UI Scaling: When in flight, press Escape and go into settings, here you can scale just about everything in the UI to your own desired likings, move the Navball etc. this is really handy. FOV: The default Field of View is pretty fisheyed when running widescreened, but if you hold ‘ALT’ and scroll your mousewheel, you can change the FOV from fisheyed to wide angle in very small steps Camera aim: The default aim of the camera is the COM, but when you turn on ‘advanced tweakables’ in the settings of KSP, you can put center your aim at any given part by right clicking the part and select ‘Aim Camera’ Last but not least: When you press your middle mouse button and move the mouse, you can move the camera aim to anywhere on the center screen (within reason) 9. FAQ *Is there a way to get bezel correction in game? ATI’s Eyefinity should be capable of that, Nvidia’s Surround can do that only when all monitors have the same resolution, other than that I have not found anything that is capable of doing so (in game) *Does this work for other games? Pretty much, I think all Unity based games can use the command line ‘-popupwindow’, but I’m not certain on that. There are other ways to run games ‘borderless windowed’, maybe you need a little googling for that. *The middle monitor does not run fullscreen, I see a bit of Windows? You’ll have to live with that, in KSP you need to see all borders, if you create a bigger custom resolution, you’ll have problems with reaching everything in the user interface. There are however games that don’t have that problem, you could create an extra ‘virtual’ resolution for those games. *??? 10. Happy Launchings!!! This tutorial is written from my own experiences, so if it could use some refinement, if you have any tips, recommendations, better workarounds, better clarifications, please don’t hesitate to drop a line in reply or in a personal message, also, if you have experiences with ATI’s software, which this tutorial can profit from, don’t hesitate to share them, I’ll link them off course!
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