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  1. After seeing the Week World Planet Jam on the KSP subreddit, I decided to do a grand tour of it. I immediately regretted it after seeing Mindo's gravity. Despite that, I'm still going to do the mission (or try to). Mod list: Week World Planet Jam 0.7 Near Future Technologies (except Aeronautics and Propulsion), Station Parts Expansion Redux, Restock+, Simple Fuel Switch Full mod list: Part 0: The Craft The craft is split into 7 parts, the booster, the main lander, the utility module, a scanner/service probe, two atmospheric landers for Elaan and Reticulum, and the Mindo lander. Launch 1: Booster Module Launch 2: Main Lander + Utility Launches 3 and 4: Atmosphere landers The plan is to go to Reticulum, then split the craft. The craft has to be split after leaving Asite Par to comply with Ultimate Challenge rule 5. The booster and Mindo lander will go to Mindo, while the rest of the craft does landings in the Reticulum system. After the Mindo lander is dropped off, the nuclear booster will return and the whole craft will go to Elaan to drop the second atmospheric lander. Next time, I launch the Mindo lander and some extra parts, then go to Reticulum.
  2. The Ultimate Challenge...A massive boulder...whoever beat it literally beat the game, and i'm currently into it. Here's The current Challenge Thread. Werhner finished all the Landers, he later called Simone, Jeb, and their friends to discuss about the names, and where each of them will go to in the mission. "Alright, here is The Eve Lander, it's 44 tons and will take a Kerbal to Eve surface and get to orbit with its own power from above 2100 meters ASL, who will get there and what shlould we call it ???" Werhner said. "We can't let Simone hog all the glory, we'll show him what we can do !" Said Jeb, others replied "YYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH", and Simone responded "Whatev, give me a break and i'll leave everything except Eve and Tylo to you guys, i'll call it 'Grizzly Reaper'". "This is our Duna Lander, it will also Land on Vall, who wish to get there ???", Val replied "MEEEEHHHH, i'll be using that Lander all the way in this mission, i'll call it 'Vendetta' and i'll go with Duna, Ike and Vall". "This is our Moho Lander, we don't have to worry about electricity in Moho, it'll also be used around Eve system and Duna system, who wants to land it ???", Bill answered "Me, i'll land that on Moho, it'll be fun, i'll go to land on Gilly, Moho and Pol, and won't use anything but EVA pack to land on Pol, i'll call it 'Electra'". "This is the Ion Lander, it will take on Eeloo, Mun and anything smaller, who wants it ???", Simone replied "Jeb and Bob will need that, i'll call it 'Megawatt'". "Our best Laythe Lander up to date, who wants ???", Jeb replied "Yes, me, like Simone said, Bob and i'll need the Megawatt, i'll call this 'Hex' and i'll go to Dres, Eeloo and Laythe, Bob will go to Mun, Minmus and Bop". "Simone...how are you going to call your private Tylo Lander ???", Simone answered "Big Boi it is". "This is how the smaller recoverable Landers being recovered. Simone, you have my trust and you're allowed to recover The Landers" Said Werhner, which Simone agreed hesitatelessly. -Mothership : (2 Types) Mercury (Moho and everything else, has only 1 or 2 Landers attached to it, released in Eve). Joologist (Jool 5, bigger Mercury with real pods, more engines, more tanks and has 4 Landers attached to it). -Lifter : Sheep v3 Ascent Stage (AKA Chimera). Conclusion : 5 Kerbals to a WHOLE Kerbolar System Tour and back...With NO ISRU !!! Landings for each Kerbals : -Simone Kerman (9) : Eve, Tylo. (+Anziephus, Spade, Putto, Ovis, Shrek, Lotus, Duran) -Jebediah Kerman (9) : Dres, Laythe, Eeloo. (+Ebenus, Rheis, Arane, Nuu, Akel, Nuuma) -Valentina Kerman (8) : Duna, Ike, Vall. (+Pherph, Tekcate, Dhar, Vra, Dauble) -Bill Kerman (8) : Gilly, Moho, Pol. (+Epam, Oorma, Phoe, Flo, Durus) -Bob Kerman (8) : Mun, Minmus, Bop. (+Eiwei, Tekili, Tekova, Mez, Es) Status : Mission Accomplished !!!!!!
  3. This is a challenge documentation of the Ultimate Challenge - Rebooted. The link is down below. Anyway, so let the story begin! It started when Mortimer Kerman decided to come up with a fund-raiser for KASA. The problem was that KASA was running out of steam, so they needed something to boost public interest. So he decided that they would bargain to fly a 100 kilometers per 1 credit given. So when this was announced, it created quite the public stir. Then a billionaire arrived at the KSC. Everything from the Limousine he pulled up in outside of the administration building, from his conservative black suit and Ray-ban glasses screamed VIP. Mortimer watched in fascination as the kerbal strode carefully down the hastily thrown together red carpet. The kerbal stepped so lightly as to not dust his shining shoes. His immaculate face wore a smirk which impressed his superiority on the observers. Mortimer stood at the other end of the red carpet, smiling nervously. "Ah, you must be Hajo Black." Mortimer said in an awed tone. "Yes. You are Mortimer Kerman. I want to fund your fund-raiser." "Thank you," Mortimer suddenly came to himself, "Come in, Come in. We can discuss the details inside." They entered the building. Mortimer felt so nervous, showing off this dingy building to the man who owned mansions. "Oh, I thought it would be less dusty." Black commented bluntly. "Oh... that's just because the funds have been low." Mortimer blushed. "Don't worry. I'm about to end that." He stated matter-a-factly. They reached Mortimer's office. After ushering Black into one of the seats, Mortimer sat down. A cloud of dust lifted off his chair, and settled on the floor. He blushed further, and cussed the cleaning-lady under his breath. "What was that?" Black questioned the mutterings under his breath. "Nothing." Mortimer quickly covered up his annoyance. "How much money would you like to invest into KASA?" "How much would it cost for an Ultimate Challenge?" He asked abruptly. Mortimer almost fainted, "An....Ultimate......Challenge?" He gasped. "Yep. How much?" He looked seriously at Mortimer. "Millions..... tens of millions." Mortimer whispered. "I can afford it. You'll get your money by the end of the mission to all the planetary bodies. Is that all?" Black looked at Mortimer. Mortimer nodded, deathly pale. "Alright. I'll just let myself out." Black stood up and then left the Administration Building. ************* Table of Contents : 1. First Update 2. Second Update 3. In Orbit / Preparing for Departure! I'll hopefully will be doing weekly posts, one to each planetary body for the next fourteen weeks. There might be a week or two of break, but trust me. THIS TIME, I will not forget about a thread and leave it unfinished! Happy Explosions!
  4. X-84 Akkadian at KerbalX The X-84 Akkadian is my attempt at the Ultimate Challenge: Visit every body and moon in the Kerbol system. As a bonus: visit also every planet and Moon in the Outer Planets mod. The vessel consists of three parts: - X-84 Akkadian SSTO - X-84a Ishtar Eve Lander - X84b Traveller Probe core The Akkadian is the workhorse of the mission: It is able to lift itself and the Eve lander into low Kerbin orbit. It has enough delta V to reach Moho from Eve. Enough thrust to land and take off from Tylo or Slate. And, it is sufficiently aerodynamic to land and take off from Tekto. Three Kerbals can travel comfortly and collect science from almost everywhere, except Eve. The Ishtar Eve lander is being lifted to orbit and carried through space by the Akkadian. All is needed are four additional Whiplash Engines and some wings. In order to save some weight, the lander is only equipped with a command chair for one Kerbal as well as some basic science experiments. Also on board is the Traveller probe core. The Traveller probe core is the key to fullfill the Ultimate Challenge: the contract requires a command module or probe core to land on every single planet and moon. As the Akkadian cannot land and take off from eve, and the Ishtar is not built to travel to every other body, the Traveller Probe core is the solution inbetween. It will land on Eve with the Lander. After reaching orbit again, the small probe will dock with the SSTO for the remainder of the voyage. The vessel is surprisingly cheap: the whole package costs under 300.000 Bucks. Take-Off weight from the runway is under 150t. And, practically no clipping was involved. Some specifics for the Akkadian Maximum mass: 109t Max Liquid Fuel: 10180 Max Oxidiser: 4620 Crew capacity: 3 Krew Range and Fuel Profiles: Max Range (10180 LF / 0 Ox): 7023 m/s dV Low Ox (10180 LF / 1000 Ox): 6400 m/s dV Max High Thrust, Chemical Rockets only (3892 LF / 4620 Ox): 2592 m/s dV Use Max Range, if target has low gravity suitable for Nerv only landing (Gilly, Ike, Bop, Pol, etc.) Use Low Ox Range, if target has medium gravity and Nervs require assist from Aerospikes / Rapiers (Moho, Duna, etc.) Use Max High Thrust for landing and take-off from Tylo. Remember to pack additional LF (800-1000 LF) for take-off from Tylo and transfer to Pol. Engines 3x Rapiers (Action Group 1 to toggle, AG 2 to switch mode 2x Nerv (AG3) for interplanetary travel 2x Aerospike to provide additional thrust for high-G landings (Tylo) or more efficient Oxidizer use. Aerospikes have 340 sec vacuum ISP vs. 305 sec from Rapiers in rocket mode. Also, it has 4 detachable Whiplash Engines to lift the Ishtar Eve Lander into Orbit. Ishtar Eve Lander The Ishtar Eve Lander is built to be lifted in front of the Akkadian into Orbit. For this, it has a detachable set of wings and control surfaces. To provide the necessary thrust for ascent, the Akkadian has four detachable Whiplash ram jets. The Ishtar has a first stage with one Vector engine and six asparagus-staging drop tanks, the first two with additional Aerospikes. The second stage is powered by one Terrier and two drop tanks with Sparks. The whole ascent vehicle has enough delta V to reach orbit from sea level with moderate skills. (You’ll have to know the atmospheric properties and general Eve ascent profiles, though. When in doubt, search the KSP forums or watch Eve ascent videos on Youtube.) Maximum mass: 56t with wings, 49t lander only Science Complement: 4x basic experiments (Thermometer, Accelerometer, Barometer, Gravioli Detector) Electricity: 2x solar panels in the Traveler Probe, 2x fuel cells on landing legs.
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