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Found 1 result

  1. The Gold Standard (GOLD) Adds the pursuit of gold and an extremely rare resource called Unobtainium to the game! Mine either of these heavy resources for fun and profit! A great alternative to contract spam! Eight new parts and and additional functionality to several stock parts in Kerbal Space Program. By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Dewar adopted with express permission and brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Features What is Unobtainium? Preamble by @Dewar See more Localization Help Wanted Installation Directions Most recent releases only available via CurseForge/OverWolf Website/App Dependencies Pinned Dependencies: ModularManagement (MM) or Module Manager (to add functionality to stock parts) Kerbal Space Program Suggests Adjustable Mod Panel (KAMP) Biomatic (BIO) Docking Port Descriptions (DPD) Exception Detector (EXCD) Field Training Facility (FTF) Field Training Lab (FTL) Foundations (FND) Helps prevent ground constructions from floating away GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) ISRU Thanks But No Tanks (QBTT) Kaboom! (BOOM) Keridian Dynamics Vessel Assembly (KDVA) MoarKerbals (MOAR) Monero Flags (QBMF) Near Future Rovers (NFR) OhScrap! (OHS) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Precise Maneuver (PM) Pteron (MSRV) ScrapYard (SCRAP) SimpleConstruction! (SCON) SimpleLife! (LIFE) SimpleLogistics! (SLOG) SimpleNotes! (NOTE) Stock Inline Lights (SIL) Science! Mkerb Science Instruments OScience Laboratories (OSL) Papa Kerballini's Pizza (PIZZA) Solar Science (SOL) by Axial Aerospace Dreamer (DREAM) LanderTek (LTK) Simple Cargo Solutions (CARGO) WhimChaser (WHIM) Supports Galileo Planet Pack Kopernicus SCANsat Stockalike Mining Expansion (SMX) TweakScale (twk) Tags parts, config, flags, resources, tech-tree red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects [here](https://github.com/zer0Kerbal/The GoldStandard/projects/) along with The Short List
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