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I had a stranded capsule. I sent another ship up after it. The original capsule had no dockiing port, so the Kerbals had to EVA from one to the other. I launched, got into orbit. At that point, the ship consisted of a Mk1-3 capsule, TD-25 decoupler, and a little service module with a poodle engine, an X200-8 tank, and FL-R1 RCS tank, some RCS thruster blocks, and a bunch of ladders for the Kerbals to grab onto. At this point, I locked staging (Mod-L) to avoid unfortunate occcurences. So I get the two stranded kerbals clinging to the ladders on the service module and start one to the the capsule hatch. I'm having trouble getting from the service module to the capsule. So I figure I'll let go, use my RCS to move to the adjacent ladder and grab on. At this point, the controls are operating the Kerbal. I have just used W and S to move along a ladder. I hit space to release the ladder and BANG! The decoupler between the capsule and the service module blows at the same time the Kerbal releases! As I watch the service module and capsule drift away in opposite directions, I switch to the capsule using the ] key. Staging is still locked! And yet... So for some reason the spacebar for the Kerbal triggered the staging on the ship, even though it was ostensibly locked. Is it because the Kerbal was close to the decoupler (I was trying to cross the juncture between the two modules)? I mean it shouldn't but maybe the software got confused about whether the coupler belonged to the Kerbal or the ship? Is there some way to switch the ladder release or the staging to some other key?