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Found 3 results

  1. Hi guys, was wondering if you could help I wanted a life support mod which kills kerbals... but also wanted kolinization (it looks amazing) I figured i would get USI ls and configure it to kill kerbals (setting the effect to 5 in config for both vet and non vet when running out of supplies, ec etc...) I did this because i read that USI kolinization no longer supports TAC or doesnt work as well and i don't mind having resources grouped as "supplies" instead of individual resources too much. Anyway after setting it all up and testing in both career and sandbox mode i found that after the 15 days of "starving" the kerbals become tourists and do not die. Ive checked the in game settings which shows it is selected to K.I.A for both vet and non-vet... any idea why this is happening... i just want my kerbals to die! Any help is much appreciated!
  2. I just landed a supply ship at my colony, and I went over to my colony (built with MKS-Lite, and USI-LS) and the resource were gone (not the stock ones, and ore is still in the storage modules). My food, mulch and fertilizer are gone, there are no resource bars in any modules that would carry non-stock resources.
  3. This is my attempt at the Jool 500 Challenge. In short, it means having a 500 kerbal colony in the moons of Jool. I've never used a life support before, or even any kind of in situ resource utilization. To learn all this, I first made a proof-of-concept mobile base that I flew to minmus. The launch mass of the base was 175 656kg. The plan is to use something similar in every moon of Jool, and then expand them until I have 500 Kerbals. I can only play about one hour per day, so progress will be slow. Mod list: KSP: 1.1.2 (Win64) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit MagiCore - 1.1.1 Filter Extensions - 2.6 Toolbar - 1.7.12 USI Tools - AutomatedScreenshots - 0.7.3 B9 Animation Modules - 1.0.2 B9 Part Switch - 1.3 B9 Aerospace - 6.1.1 B9 Aerospace - 6.1.1 B9 Aerospace HX Parts - 6.1.1 B9 Aerospace Legacy Parts - 6.1.1 B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.7 Behemoth Aerospace Engineering Large Parts - 1.2.2 Camera Focus Changer - 0.9 Chatterer - Color Coded Canisters - 1.4.8 Colorful Fuel Lines - 0.3.2 Community Resource Pack - 0.5.2 DMagic Orbital Science - 1.3 CapCom Mission Control On The Go - Contract Parser - 1.0.3 Progress Parser - 1.0.4 EditorExtensionsRedux - 3.2.12 Firespitter - 7.2.4 Kerabl Optical Alignment System - 1.0.3 Fuel Tanks Plus - 1.9.3 Interstellar Fuel Switch - 2.0.7 RasterPropMonitor - 0.26 Kerbal Attachment System - 0.5.7 Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.1 Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - 3.1.7 Kerbal Inventory System - 1.2.10 kOS - 0.20.1 KSP-AVC Plugin - Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.3.5 Infernal Robots - 2.0.4 Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.4 NearFutureConstruction - 0.6.3 NearFutureElectrical - 0.7.4 NearFuturePropulsion - 0.7.2 NearFutureSolar - 0.6.1 NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.5 Final Frontier - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.1 DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.22.1 SCANsat - ShipManifest - 5.1 SpaceY Expanded - 1.1.9 SpaceY Lifters - 1.12.9 Trajectories - 1.6.2 Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.6.3 TweakScale - 2.2.12 USI Core - 0.2.3 USI Exploration Pack - 0.5.3 Freight Transport Tech - 0.5.3 Kolonization Core - USI-LS - USI Survivability Pack - 0.5.3 UKS - 0.40.3 WildBlueTools - 1.2.5 Buffalo - 0.2.15 Pathfinder - 0.9.25 [x] Science! - 4.18 I will add some visual mods at some point.
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