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Found 2 results

  1. Hephaistos V1.1 Hephaistos adds the ULA Vulcan rocket to KSP This mod is a stand-alone expansion to Bluedog Design Bureau, so this mod can be used without BDB ALBUM CONFIGURATIONS Features: S.M.A.R.T. Reuse Centaur V ACES Included in the Download: .craft files of all Vulcan configurations Simple Adjustable Fairings (Blowfish) Community Resource Pack (Roverdude) B9 Part Switch (Blowfish) Recommended mods: Realplume (Zorg) Bluedog Design Bureau (Cobaltwolf) Downloads: SpaceDock Curse CKAN (Some dependencies are only for KSP 1.9, here is a tutorial on how to make the mod visible) Here is a guide by @Friznit for more information on Vulcan Thanks: @CobaltWolf For BDB and his patience of learning me how to texture @Drakenex For the two additional textures and all the config and balancing work This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  2. IMPORTANT This mod is now officially unsupported, I will keep the download up though. For an up to date version go to this thread: Vulcan rocket Vulcan This is the next generation rocket from ULA Includes: Tanks for Centaur and ACES Main tank BE-4 first stage engine RL-10 second stage engine Inflatable heatshield Parafoil Fairings Interstages Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/WeJvT Recommended: If you want to launch the B330 orbital Moon base install this awesome mod from @bcink: Issues: Do not make the lower engine fairing the first part of the craft, I don't know why but the BE-4 won't be able to gimbal. If only smokescreen is installed so no realplume the engines will give particles even when they are off. Download: Note: This mod uses B9PartSwitch by @blowfish and is included in the download If you have a black tank it's probably a mod conflict with TR(R) or uninstall TR(R) or delete the texture switch part in the config of the tank. SpaceDock Curse License: Vulcan: All Rights Reserved B9PartSwitch: GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3.0 feedback is welcome and do not forget to report bugs.
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