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Found 2 results

  1. Basically what it says on the tin. Every time I load KSP, it reaches 'Expansion Loading Complete!', then freezes, and if you do anything, it stops responding and closes.Tried verifying files multiple times, no luck. PC: Toshiba satellite R830, Intel i5 core, 6GB RAM. Windows 7 home premium 64bit . KSP install: 1.9.1 Steam I've also had a look and there are no logs in the folder wherethe logs normally are.
  2. Hello, recently my motivation for playing KSP has dropped, and I thought that recording and discussing my adventures with others might help. In order to do so I have looked a bit into video recording and editing software and done run some test, however I'm a bit stuck and seeking advice. After some discouraging setbacks, I have managed to find something that allows me to record the video, the game audio and my commentary at the same time (Open Broadcaster), but its output does require some editing before I would be willing to upload it (at the very least remove some lading scenes etc.). And I have not yet been able to find one that works. I've tried I software that simply refuses to work at my screen resolution (1280x1024), but don't remember the name I've tried avidemux, which kind of works, but it doesn't like the recording very much and half the buttons cause errors reverting everything done so far I've tried virtualdub but it cannot handle my mpeg-4 recordings and I have not figured out how to install required filters/codecs and I cannot install windows move maker. Setup works till 99% and then aborts with a different error every time I try So, if you have any advice for me or can suggest a different, free, video editing software for windows 7 that can handle the basics (cutting, slowmo/timewarp, text/picture overlays), I'm all ears. Oh, and I would also be very interested in advices for codec option setting. You know what is good or which option are bad and should not be chosen. Thanks. And yes, I'm not the first one asking this question here, but all the answers I found were a couple years old. Something new and better might have appeared since then. Right?
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