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Crashes without apparent problems

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Hi !

When enter in the game, I have no problems but when I go to the VAB or the SPH, when I try a vehicle and i return to the garage, my game close.

Here my garage is normal :


And here I crash when i return to the garage :


I play with KSP for Windows 32 bits and here are all my mods installed :


I saw in KerbalStuff that BD Armory and Spanners Boom Stick weren't supported yet but de you think that it can crash the game ?

Thanks for your help !

EDIT : Sorry I forgot to give you the crash reports :




Edited by Fighter117
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I dont know how to read logs, but that is a lot of mods you got there bud. Try ATM aggressive or temporarily remove B9 from your game, or both. How much RAM do you have? Also I think if you go to task manager to see how much memory each app is taking up, if KSP has a ridiculous amount of data being used its probably lack of memory.

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Thanks for your reply GianTank (I see with your pseudo that we do the same things in KSP :D) !

I have :

- A processor Intel Core i7-3630QM (Quad-Core)

- A GTX675mx

- 4 Go of RAM

I will try ATM aggressive as you said !

- - - Updated - - -

I found the problems. Apparently, KSP take too much place in my disk when it is running so it crash. Now trying ATM aggressive !

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  Fighter117 said:
Thanks for your reply GianTank (I see with your pseudo that we do the same things in KSP :D) !

I have :

- A processor Intel Core i7-3630QM (Quad-Core)

- A GTX675mx

- 4 Go of RAM

I will try ATM aggressive as you said !

- - - Updated - - -

I found the problems. Apparently, KSP take too much place in my disk when it is running so it crash. Now trying ATM aggressive !

Disk? Or memory?

Disk is the space where you stored like 2gb

Memory is how much the program (ksp.exe) Can you actively say it is like your battery.

Has 90 over mods and it seldoms crashes

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In fact, my task manager is like this (in french) :


In blue, there is the solicitation of my processor who is high because KSP was running (to applicate ATM agressive) when I took this screenshot.

In red, my used memory.

In yellow, my network used.

And in green, this is the problem. That's "disk" who is highly solicitated when KSP crash (99% !).

- - - Updated - - -

Hi !

I solved my problem by using ATM aggressive. Thanks a lot ! So BD armory and Spanners boom stick are compatible with KSP 0.90 !

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