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How to build a mod for the user interface?

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I have found plenty of information about modding parts in KSP, but I'm more interested in modding the UI. I'm a UI designer and frontend web developer, but completely new to modding games. I spend so much time in KSP though, I can't help but notice some UI tweaks I'd like to try out.

I have some development experience, though mostly with web languages. Are there any tips or tutorials on doing a mod that touches the UI of the game itself? Even just the ability to replace underlying image assets would be perfect, but I wasn't able to find anything obvious by hunting through the directories of the game folder and couldn't find any mods I could base my work off. Alternatively, are there any developers who'd like to team up with a designer to try a GUI mod out?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are there any tips or tutorials on doing a mod that touches the UI of the game itself? Even just the ability to replace underlying image assets would be perfect

I'm not certain, but I believe you can mod the in-game UI with [thread=107471]TextureReplacer[/thread]. If you want to go above and beyond what TextureReplacer can do, it still might be a good place to start code-wise.

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I did not really look into it before but I doubt you can do it easily. The stock UI is done with ezgui and as far as I know you can't insert, move or edit stuff easily.

I am not even sure there are many mods that uses ezGUI for their UI. Maybe Lazor System, I can't look at its code right now so I can't check. KSPAPIExtensions play a bit with ezgui for its tweakable but you ll need to understand how it works.

TLDR version : it is a pain to do.

But I'd be pleased it someone proved me wrong :)

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