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Questions regarding different versions

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I just got a friend of mine into KSP and he's playing on a Mac, i'm on a PC. I've been playing since 0.25 and he just downloaded 0.90 (which is what i'm obviously now running as well).

I don't have any of the facility limitations that he does. He can't build very heavy rockets because his launchpad won't support it. Things like that. His Space Center is almost completely empty and he has to upgrade everything. I know upgrading the facility is part of the 0.90 release, but why don't i have to do it? Was i "grandfathered" in or something like that?

I'm thinking about starting a new game so i have to do that as well, just thought i'd ask what you guys thought. Thanks!

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Either you're playing using the 64bit Windows executable, where there's a bug that leaves you with what look like upgraded buildings but no way to actually upgrade them, or you're still in sandbox and he's in career :)

Make sure you're starting the KSP.exe, not KSP_x64.exe, and your facility will also start at level 1 with a new career save.

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I just ran home at lunch and started a new career save just like my buddy did and i too have a meager little space station. So i'm guessing that they didn't retroactively make people that had already progressed in career mode start from scratch once upgradeable buildings were introduced. Makes sense, especially with the weight limit on the launch pad! I wouldn't be able to even think about launching my Mun explorer on a launchpad that can't support a toothpick and a stiff breeze. It'll be fun to start over, especially knowing what i know now about the game. And it'll be easier to help my buddy since i had no clue what he was talking about when he was building rockets too heavy for his launchpad.

It would be funny if they built something into the actual release that made everyone start over. Like a nuclear event or something. Thanks for your input!

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