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Roscosmos says: ISS until 2024, then go separate ways


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There are many reasons we need our own way to get there, but to prevent Russia from stealing it is somewhat on the lower end. Even with all the posturing between us, there really isn't much chance of one of us actually taking the ISS 'by force'. If anything we might just offer to buy the Russian modules if we really wanted them.

I was meaning politically, America having a way up to the ISS gives America a bargaining chip in negotiating with Russia, a keen idea, given today's political climate between the two nations

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Lets say Russia were to declare the ISS is theirs, no US astronauts are going up to it anymore and they will be denying non-soyuz docking. They could probably make it happen in the current world. NASA would likely continue on working with them to keep the ISS running in the hopes that things would fix themselves. The US would use it as an excuse to pour hideous amounts of guns onto the Ukrainians, and would add more sanctions to Russia. I could even see the possibility (very, VERY low possibility) that maybe they try to forcibly retake it. It wouldn't be that hard to get to a stalemate situation. "We've got a shaped charge on it. We go back to the way things were, or we poke it full of holes you won't be fixing." Chances are though, we'd just stick with the sanctions and guns. Don't get political about if the US should or should not do the guns part, just accept that it's the strongest thing the US could do against Russia right now and we'd be in full on vengeance mode.

I've heard many times that americans don't understand russians to the point that we are more like species from different planets, but now I see real example of this.

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To be honest, I do not want to see a new Russian pseudo-Station...

Why? The only thing that I can think of being "off limits" would be if the Russian station had some sort of weapon that could nuke cities from orbit.

I have no problems with the Russians building their own station. Just like I have no problems with China's rover on the moon.

There's no reason to be upset.

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As a citizen of Russia is very upset. Why another station when the orbiting ISS, also after the ISS should strive further ahead, so we buzzed about the revival of the lunar the program (even now buzzing), but it looks like we're stuck at stations...

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As a citizen of Russia is very upset. Why another station when the orbiting ISS, also after the ISS should strive further ahead, so we buzzed about the revival of the lunar the program (even now buzzing), but it looks like we're stuck at stations...

So if I'm reading this correctly, what you're basically saying is:

"As a Russian citizen, I'm upset that Russia would rather spend it's own time and money on a station when there's already a perfectly good one up there and I'd rather see that time and money go to something more meaningful like a Russian Moon Program."

If I read that correctly, then I would have to say that is a valid complaint I hadn't thought of.

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I do prefer more spirit of cooperation in space endeavours too. But people has different interests. So does nations.

Though I wonder, what exactly do they do with the new station that can't already be done on the ISS? Launching stuff to space cost a ton of money, so they probably have a really good reason to break off and do things on their own.

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So if I'm reading this correctly, what you're basically saying is:

"As a Russian citizen, I'm upset that Russia would rather spend it's own time and money on a station when there's already a perfectly good one up there and I'd rather see that time and money go to something more meaningful like a Russian Moon Program."

If I read that correctly, then I would have to say that is a valid complaint I hadn't thought of.

You understood me correctly, the station is already in orbit, Roscosmos more employees are constantly being told about the imminent revival of the lunar programm. I as a taxpayer want to see the new moon Program (I think it may be more than construction of the station).

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The station is in the Mir class, uses modules that have already been designed and in one case built, and uses rockets that've already been tested; it likely wouldn't even be in the same order of magnitude as a lunar expedition. The cutting of costs relative to the ISS does allow for development of lunar hardware, but only slowly; in the current plan, the required launcher wouldn't be ready until at least 2030, and there are no funds for a lander. As far as I can tell there's also no budget allocation as of yet for the actual launch hardware-which itself is to be built in a spaceport that doesn't yet exist.

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The station is in the Mir class, uses modules that have already been designed and in one case built, and uses rockets that've already been tested; it likely wouldn't even be in the same order of magnitude as a lunar expedition. The cutting of costs relative to the ISS does allow for development of lunar hardware, but only slowly; in the current plan, the required launcher wouldn't be ready until at least 2030, and there are no funds for a lander. As far as I can tell there's also no budget allocation as of yet for the actual launch hardware-which itself is to be built in a spaceport that doesn't yet exist.

I might also add that the cost of launching most of the station is down given that a lot of the modules they plan to use on the new station are already up there to begin with

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I might also add that the cost of launching most of the station is down given that a lot of the modules they plan to use on the new station are already up there to begin with

But at the moment they're about halfway through their lifetime...

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I might also add that the cost of launching most of the station is down given that a lot of the modules they plan to use on the new station are already up there to begin with

Nah, the official plan is for Nauka, node module, and two*NEM module now. Apart from Nauka, none of those are even under construction yet.

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I see, because from what I've read, they have plans to buy the Russian segments from America and remove them from the ISS before ISS is deorbited

In the old provisional plan, they would remove all the Russian segment modules except Zarya (which is owned by NASA, but also impossible to remove without dismantling the US segment). That's not being done both for cost reasons and because most of those modules have limited remaining lifetime.

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NASA can't have any bilateral activities or agreements with any Chinese state enterprise or entity, or any of their employees, by law.

Sec. 539. <<NOTE: China.>> (a) None of the funds made available by

this Act may be used for the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) or the Office of Science and Technology Policy

(OSTP) to develop, design, plan, promulgate, implement, or execute a

bilateral policy, program, order, or contract of any kind to

participate, collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with

China or any Chinese-owned company unless such activities are

specifically authorized by a law enacted after the date of enactment of

this Act.

(B) <<NOTE: Applicability.>> The limitation in subsection (a) shall

also apply to any funds used to effectuate the hosting of official

Chinese visitors at facilities belonging to or utilized by NASA.

Edited by Kryten
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