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Kerbin Geographic And Science Society


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You would shudder if you saw my monitor. Four streaks of dead pixels, scattered gray dots all over where the pixels have died, small colorful star burst patterns on the left and some purple splotching on the middle-bottom-left.

I REALLY need a new monitor.

I thought mine was bad...

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So thanks to a lot of hard work by Dani and a bit of touch up work by myself, I present to you all, from the Kerbin Keographic Society, the first contour maps of Minmus.





All the CSV\'s are below. You can use a free program called QuikGrid to display these maps. There have been so many contributors to the below files please send me a message if you feel your name should be listed. I won\'t object to your name being listed ... I just simply can\'t keep track of all the contributors!!! :)

Kerbin CSV. This file is a collaborative effort.


Mun CSV. This is also a collaborative effort.


Minmus CSV. Data provided mostly by Dani and adjusted slightly by myself


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1) There will be one official topographic map of the Mun and one official topographic map of Kerbin. All other maps are not recognised by the society. Data for the maps will be provided collectively by the members of the KSP.

You might want to reconsider rule #1...

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hi, this is my first post, but i\'ve been stalking this forum since the palm tree time, and just now with .15 i bought the game

i\'d like to name the hill in this screenshot Mt. Pomme in homage to a girl i like, and it\'s inslide a heart shaped 'lake'

(ignroe the other debris, i had quite some trouble landing there)

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Here\'s a Quickgrid map with colored contour lines. Bold lines are every 1km altitude, lesser lines, every 200m.


*polishes monocle, puffs pipe*

Investigation of the data provided by Dani and refined by togfox indicate that the highest point on Minmus may be over 5,720m above the base datum, with the best known contender atop that mountain that sits near 60S, 75E.

Is it not the Sworn Duty of this Society to send an expedition to scale this mightiest of peaks in the Known Universe, and confirm it?

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Is it not the Sworn Duty of this Society to send an expedition to scale this mightiest of peaks in the Known Universe, and confirm it?

It is indeed. :) The maps provided are indicative only due to various levels of extrapolation and map resolution. The only way to verify the exact height of Minmus peak is to land there and post a screenshot. Explorers ... jump to it!! :)

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Robotic probes confirm elevations above 5706m there. Also, the ground is rather treacherous up there - the kraken appears to live beneath that ridge, dragging ships sideways and down to their doom.


There appeared to be higher peaks nearby, but my probe slipped sideways and was ripped apart before I could plan a hop to the higher ground. The high point appears to be towards the western part of that area.

Later, the whole craft fell completely under ground and signal was lost. I recommend caution.

Given that it was a robot probe, I claim no naming rights here. May your crews fare better than my attempt!

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Hurray! I love seeing data I have collected being used... ^_^

Im covering the poles now... and lets just say, I\'m sick of seeing Minmus spinning slowly under my sat :(

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Name: To be decided by poll

Nominated names: Mt. Pomme

Latitude: 26� 19\' 59' N

Longitude: 209� 20\' 52' E

Altitude: 124m

Celestial body: Minimus


Edited by Rich
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Name: Touchdown Valley

Latitude: 0� 12\' 41' N

Longitude: 71� 44\' 27' E

Altitude: 992m

Celestial body: Kerbin

Edited by Rich
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Here\'s a small frozen lake just south of a larger frozen sea on Minmus. I\'ve been using it as a practice landing target since 0.15 came out, with varying success - these screenshots are from today.

Proposed name: Lake of Broken Landers

Latitude: 36 deg. 0\' 51' S

Longtitude: The map showed 334 deg. 55\' 36' W. I think that makes it 25 deg. 04\' 24' E?

Looking Southwest from the ground.


Zoomed out, looking roughly South. The name is applied to the small lake in the center of the picture.


Map View.


Perisistence file attached for ease of mapping this later.

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