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Kerbin Geographic And Science Society


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I don't want to annoy you or so, but I think you may have overlooked my post on page 31, right before the armstrong crater. I'm sorry if you did notice it, but as you didn't react, I don't suppose so.

Live long and prosper!

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I tried to mark Apollo's stamp but it was very close to Eagles Landing - can you confirm those co-ordinates for me?

Sorry for not processing the other Mun markers - in my haste to get Eagles Landing up I neglected to process those before it.

It really helps if you can note the altitude at ground level - map markers need a lat,long and altitude (3d space after all). If you don't provide it then I have to make up an altitude and that messes up the map. Thx.

Mun map updated.


Oh, and KGSS Journal edition #3 is available. :)


Edited by togfox
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I tried to mark Apollo's stamp but it was very close to Eagles Landing - can you confirm those co-ordinates for me?

Sorry for not processing the other Mun markers - in my haste to get Eagles Landing up I neglected to process those before it.

It really helps if you can note the altitude at ground level - map markers need a lat,long and altitude (3d space after all). If you don't provide it then I have to make up an altitude and that messes up the map. Thx.

I'll get right on it. Apollo's stamp is about 5 k from Eagles Landing, That's actually how I found it. Ok so I did some Roving and got: 0.18S, 24.7E and an altitude 685m for the middle of the crossbar. Need anything else?

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Alright! I've pinpointed where i've landed. The spatial distortion from the map is really worst than anything i expected.



From the orbit map it looks like Germany, but from Orbit and topographic map it looks very much like Quebec; attached to a HUGE landmass that is very hard to see from the first pictures i took; the whole thing looks like a badly deformed Canada. I had trouble finding my exact spot; especially since Quickdraw likes to mess up longitudes as well as KSP (254 degree West? What?? Don't they go up to 180?) i had to pinpoint it with the seas pointing at it. Hmm.

In light of the geographic analysis, i change my request. The large, 3000m+ Area that the plateau is attached to shall be named Terra Colossus (mountains are left unnamed) and the smaller area that is circled in the big rounded square is now to be know as New Quebec.

I have a few ideas of what to do next, not limited to claiming stuff including:

- Trying to Calculate the two moon's masses from establishing an 'as perfect as possible' orbit around them (just for fun, but who knows if they gave us the real mass...)

- Testing for an Exosphere on the two satellites using parachutes (sketchy, but even a small deceleration over a long time will yield computable data; alto KSP's way of handling Kerbin's atmosphere makes me doubt it will yield anything)


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Greetings again, members of the KGSS!

And now the most major feature I apply to name: The Jebediah Kerman Crater!

Name: Jebediah Kerman Crater

Coordinates: 4° 20' 8" S|90° 59' 2" E


Coordinates and location.


Jebediah Kerman on top of his rover.

I understand that polls will be required for naming some of these features.

Again, thanks for reading and hopefully considering the names!

Live long and prosper!

wait, the lights are facing to jeb's left and he is facing forward.???

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Hello, I would like to submit two name changes for consideration. The location currently known as Eagle's Landing should be renamed to Neils Landing in light of the tragic recent events, and the location known as Armstrong Crater should be renamed to Hero's Crater as a tribute to Neil and Buzz

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Benjiful: By all means fly your mission and see how well you go. :) If you succeed then feel free to gloat in another thread (not this one) so we can all congratulate you. :) If you need tips then the forum can do that too.

Silicon: Eagles landing was chosen to remember the recent passing of Neil Armstrong. If others feel as you do then the name change can be discussed. We can also rename Armstrong Crater if that is the members wish. :)

How about call the big mare west from Mercator Highlands "Armstrongshavn", "Lyffeldsbogst", "Tyffelt", "Forskeland", "Upsiders", "Mare Medwedium", "Mare Ursum", "Bob Kerman's Sea" or "Kjolsen Sea"?

If we called it all those names then we'd all get pretty confused. :)

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Silicon: Eagles landing was chosen to remember the recent passing of Neil Armstrong. If others feel as you do then the name change can be discussed. We can also rename Armstrong Crater if that is the members wish. :)

I.m.h.o. once a name has been given to anything, it shouldn't be renamed anymore.

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Benjiful - If Minmus were an object in our own solar system, I would almost certainly assume that it's a (recently) captured icy body, either a stray asteroid or (more probably) a stray Oort or Kuiper et al object, ie, a comet head. The orbital inclinations of such objects can and do vary widely, due to the circumstances of their formation, collisions in the aeons since, and not being as tightly bound to the primary as the regular planets in the inner system.

Silicon - I disagree. One, Eagle's Landing (on the touchdown coordinates of Eagle, if I recall correctly) serves quite well, IMO, as a memorial to Armstrong (and someday to Aldrin as well) as well as a monument to the mission and craft that carried them there. As for Armstrong Crater, my issue with that was that the feature being named is much, much larger than a mere crater - if I'm reading the map correctly, it's an entire mare, and should be named as such.

TheCardinal - I conditionally agree, but per point 2.2 above, if the initial name given is inappropriate or inaccurate, it should be modifiable after due discussion.

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Now kerbals have done it :( 5 crew members died.are jeb,bill,bob.aw el,hootgell. kerbal space program stoped the kerbalshuttle program for 1 year. Cuz a good landing is a good landing you can walk away from :D. PICTURES PLEASE![ATTACH=CONFIG]32985[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]32986[/ATTACH] okay a plane landed near so he crashed into a shuttle >.< he got out and found no bodys alive:(.

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Now kerbals have done it :( 5 crew members died.are jeb,bill,bob.aw el,hootgell. kerbal space program stoped the kerbalshuttle program for 1 year. Cuz a good landing is a good landing you can walk away from :D. PICTURES PLEASE![ATTACH=CONFIG]32985[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]32986[/ATTACH] okay a plane landed near so he crashed into a shuttle >.< he got out and found no bodys alive:(.

Wait what? What does this have to do with the KGSS?

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i've been palying with the ISA map thing since 0.17 came out and i have a couple of things i wanted to share


this is a heightmap of Duna, it is just me or the lowlands kid of look like a blue dragon?

there are two anomalies, one in the big crater with a mountain on the top left side, and another on the small crater on the south pole, on the lower left side, i just visited the Top one, wich was the Duna Face




the Duna Face is solid (like the Mun Arches), on the first photo you can see Bob on top of it, on the third is the coordinates to it

here's a link of raw data from Duna for all you beautiful map creators


i did a quick mapping of Ike too, but found nothing of interest, there's a big mountain (the ISA map thing say it's 10000 meters) right on the border of the map


and here's the Ike raw data: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ymf15l69wrnoo9/Ike_elevation.csv

thank you all, ang good exploration

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