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Rocket Girls anime


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It is an adaptation from the titular light novel by HÃ…Âsuke Nojiri about high school girls...in space. It is as funny as it sounds, and the situations that led to the high school girls becoming astronauts were as unlikely as any other anime, but what sets it apart is thanks to the technical assistance of JAXA in its production, along with the author natural interest in hard science fictions(his light novel is pretty nice), and so it is less about fantasy rocket tech, but more or less grounded in reality. Though some hijinks may also be included.

It is quite interesting to watch, just started my first episode after reading the first novel of the series in english.

After ep 5 it starts getting more into space flight drama and stuff, so don't be daunted from the beginning at first where characters are being developed.

Still, the novel is better. The anime cram too much stuff into a few episodes, and skipped over a few other things along with making much further leap of faith:

Ending of Ep 6 has them landed right in the pool of the main char's school from orbit. Like, really? The novel has the main char actually meet up with MIR in orbit before her sister catch up with her, and a lot more space craft related things. A lot of important things happened on MIR, damn it japanese producer! I highly recommend you to read the novel, the first two has already been translated to english.

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Hmm... I picked the first book up in a book store...so check if your area has any? XD

Though it seems like amazon has them too, though only kindle version for the first book:



I kind of want to get the other one too...maybe sometimes.

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Well, the anime has:

  1. Strong female leads with personalities. Really a gem to find these days.
  2. Quite decent plot line for an anime.
  3. Well grounded in reality related to technology and spacecraft.
  4. So many shoutout to other space programs and space related stuff.

That makes it one of my favourite anime. It didn't hit it big, but it is very nice to watch.

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Wow, I was actually quite surprised. The whole premise seems completely unrealistic and unlikely, but as the series progress it starts to sink in. I'm glad how well the physics are executed, as well as other things related to space flight. The SSA kind of reminds me of SpaceX too. Makes me wonder why we don't send brainy high-schoolers in tiny ships, or a bunch of them at once to increase the output. I'd be willing to ride one of their ships :)

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Makes me wonder why we don't send brainy high-schoolers in tiny ships, or a bunch of them at once to increase the output.

"Girls, don't give wedgies to the nerd in the back. He's the lead designer of the big missile we're about to strap you to."

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"Girls, don't give wedgies to the nerd in the back. He's the lead designer of the big missile we're about to strap you to."

Which nerd? I think all the ones that are in space camps and get sent to space are possibly nerds themselves. :P

About the anime, they ends after the 2nd book, and there are 2 others that are still in japanese...I hope they plan to make a new season with the other 2 books next.

Oh and a little fact about the anime: There is a real JAXA female astronaut, Naoko Yamazaki, who flew on the space shuttle Discovery in 2010 on mission STS-131, voicing as herself on the TV in episode 7, welcoming Yukari as a fellow astronaut.

Yay for girls in space~

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Something that makes me realized they are kind of like the 3 orange astronauts in KSP that we have too:

Jeb = Yukari - badass and head strong, with balanced stat, not so smart but not stupid either, brave, but does not take unnecessary risks.

Bill = Matsuri - Not very bright, but adept in physical work, and as the wiki mentioned, he has been portrayed by fan as "a heroic pilot who'll risk everything against the longest odds to save Jeb's life". Does that remind you of Matsuri risking being crushed by Yukari during the reentry to save her?

Bob = Akane - The smartest of the 3, and is a mission specialist adept with science experiments and stuff.

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Something that makes me realized they are kind of like the 3 orange astronauts in KSP that we have too:

Jeb = Yukari - badass and head strong, with balanced stat, not so smart but not stupid either, brave, but does not take unnecessary risks.

Bill = Matsuri - Not very bright, but adept in physical work, and as the wiki mentioned, he has been portrayed by fan as "a heroic pilot who'll risk everything against the longest odds to save Jeb's life". Does that remind you of Matsuri risking being crushed by Yukari during the reentry to save her?

Bob = Akane - The smartest of the 3, and is a mission specialist adept with science experiments and stuff.

Now that you've brought that up, I just realized those three archetypes fit nicely into another classic space saga.

Alright, classic might be too strong of a word.


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Might work for every 3 person teams actually... One brain, one brawn, and one balanced.

Although I think any astronaut is supposed to be a kind of nerd with military survival training...which makes them a combination of brain and brawl together.

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Might work for every 3 person teams actually

A very common pattern in three-child households of American sitcoms is to have one smart kid, one stupid kid, and one weird kid. That's an interesting thing to try to fit into our three starting Kerbals. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Firefox + NoScript works well at blocking potentially malicious scripts/pop-ups/whatever.

But I found it here. I tried whitelisting everything with NoScript - it was risky, but my PC wasn't attacked - a bunch of banner ads but no pop-ups or other bad things.

It was a pretty good series.

Relevant fan art (by 芸éÂâ€Ã¨â‚¬â€¦) featuring Hatsune Miku (no, she does not make an actual appearance in the anime):


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Firefox + NoScript works well at blocking potentially malicious scripts/pop-ups/whatever.

But I found it here. I tried whitelisting everything with NoScript - it was risky, but my PC wasn't attacked - a bunch of banner ads but no pop-ups or other bad things.

It was a pretty good series.

Relevant fan art (by 芸éÂâ€Ã¨â‚¬â€¦) featuring Hatsune Miku (no, she does not make an actual appearance in the anime):


Damn that fan-art is perfect! Suits Miku very well \(^_^)/

Too bad she didn't make a cameo appearance or smth.

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  • 2 months later...

This space capsule is called Tanpopo (dandelion):





Some of the background music in Rocket Girls is great, especially "Lift Off" (Track 2)

"Outer Space" (Track 22) sounds like something you would hear in KSP when you're in space, while "Fushin na Koudou" (Track 23) sounds like something you would hear in the VAB (or in space). "Sakusen Kekkou" (Track 17) and "Count Down" (Track 18) are also good. "Depression" (Track 16) is not "depressing" but it's music for a tense situation.

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  • 4 months later...
This space capsule is called Tanpopo

That first pic is SO adorable, and also very Kerbalesque.

And apologies if this seems like stealing thunder from the thread, but I have to submit an Anime film with an element of space in the plot. There's not a lot of space imagery in it, but I loved it for a different but no less relevant reason. Saying anymore than that will give the whole story away, but it won't be apparent why until you're halfway done watching it. Any KSP fan should find this story VERY relatable if they give it a full chance.


Or if you don't mind spoilers, you can read the synopsis. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expelled_from_Paradise

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