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[0.17] Electrical Energy Plugin | v1.5 (Oct 12)


Ion engines...  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Ion engines...

    • ...should stay infinite (only using energy)
    • ...should use a bit of normal fuel too
    • ...should use a bit of RCS fuel
    • ...should have their own fuel type
    • ... are for idiots (do not vote for this option!)

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1.2 released.

-Removed SolarPanel, caused weird bugs

+Added ModuleKRSolarPanel as replacement

*air filters can now be controlled from the part context menu, therefore I remapped the key to f15 by default.

*Fixed the battery die bug

Warning, parts have not been updated for now, so the panels don\'t work. I\'ll do that now.

EL_API source code might contain land mines and semi-finished, undocumented stuff.

Edit: New version of VB parts uploading

*Fixed the solar buddy to use the new panel type

+Solar Buddy now surface-attachs, left the old nodes in for now, can I remove them?

Edit2: Be warned, it was a late evening release


-removed the MuMech panel thing

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Link to your project?

Real reactors are not implemented yet, but there is MuMechSolarPanel, which always generates fuel.

my project, despite confidence, is very incomplete and I have not placed proper textures (dont know how) and attatchment nodes are screwed up, not everything is exported and i dont think it will look nice when all parts are exported........


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You should really update your first post rather than posting your changelog at the end of the thread.

And I can\'t seem to download it, It just sits there at the 'Your file is being prepaired' popup.

Edit : Got it to D/l Though the Air filter dosen\'t want to seem to work. I\'m confusing the hell out of myself trying to figure out the updated version of Zoxygen and all these other mods that also add to it.

Using your new D/l & the older version of zoxygen, it dosent work, Using the newer version disabled items added by Dynasat and it still dosen\'t work.

Not sure what\'s up.


....... So now i\'m just lost. The air filter works with 1.1.2 of your plugin, Not the new one. I\'m just going to leave as is for now, Enough troubleshooting for me today.

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Strange. I have the air filter working, it activates in the part context menu, you can also add key = [Keycode] in it\'s part.cfg.

Changelog in first post now.


Oops, that looks a bit... damaged ;P. Of course you can add Ion Engines and batteries, the configuration is almost the same as in the MuMechVariable system, differences described in the first post.

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I don\'t get it. Installed the new version of your plugin and parts, but it doesn\'t works at all:

Non platform assembly: data-0CB5BFF8 (this message is harmless)
Loading assembly: zKreuzung, Version=1.2.4545.37495, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/b0bcff80449a48aa/Runtime/ExportGenerated/StandalonePlayer/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 43)

Exception when loading zKreuzung, Version=1.2.4545.37495, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.

at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)

at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleLoader.LoadAssembly (System.Reflection.Assembly asm) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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I just had to deal with that problem this morning, matter of fact. My guess is that the version of the Mono runtime I was linking to in my IDE was newer than the version included with the game, so I was able to compile a plugin that referred to system classes that don\'t exist in the game runtime.

In my case, it was a DnsEndPoint, but I don\'t think that\'s relevant. The point is I got that error message when my plugin referred to classes that weren\'t present in the game at load time.

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The point is I got that error message when my plugin referred to classes that weren\'t present in the game at load time.

Do you mean the alphabetical load order issue? I have a \'z\' in the file name to prevent that.

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Hmm, strange. Works for me on both my KSP installs.

Are you using the newest MuMechLib?

Here\'s the problem. In MechJeb thread there\'s MuMechLib, but in fixed camera thread it\'s

I thought they already removed that stupid version check! >:(

Now I have to recompile my adapter-plugin, too >:(

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I also had to recompile against MechJeb last night. Fortunately, I\'ve made the plugin I\'m working on now, to only interact with MuMechLib indirectly, so there\'s no reference. Getting at class members is still going to be difficult, but Mu told me a while ago he might be adding a static field/prop/something with an Assembly, or Assembly[] or somesuch containing the plugins that loaded correctly. Just hope he didn\'t forget.

About the library linking thing, I was also getting errors every time I called string.isnullorwhitespace(). I finally found this the linky there seems to indicate the code in Unity derived blocks only supports .net 2.0, which is somewhat frightening.

Fortunately, things in classes not derived from Unity stuff seem to get much better latitude.

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Whaa, worked on this the whole day, bugs are more weird than before.

Rule 15 - The harder you try. the harder you will fail.

And, the dead battery issue is not fixed in this release, I had some problems with it but thought it was fixed. Solar panels seem to not really work too. This was just the weird origin of the Solar Buddy

Is the partResource system bugged? That whould expain a lot.

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Is the partResource system bugged? That whould expain a lot.

It\'s rather strange. it uses the same glitchy fuel lookup logic, they implemented for fuel tanks in 0.15.

Maybe we should write another version that works like RCS lookup logic (or at least that version of MechJeb fuel logic, that drains all tanks in the last stage).

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I had the batteries resetting to full if both Ion Engines and Solar Panels where attached.

I think I\'ll handle part resources similar to MechJeb, mass recalculation shouldn\'t be a problem at 0 density.

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I had the batteries resetting to full if both Ion Engines and Solar Panels where attached.

I think that\'s only a UI/visual issue. I had the battery reset to full on a reload when the battery was almost empty, only to run out of juice seconds later - apparently the battery was indeed almost empty even though the UI showed it full.

BTW I love the (small) ion engine. I tweaked it to perform/look/sound a bit more like a real ion engine (very low thrust, extremely low fuel consumption). I also tweaked the fx, made a different texture and a custom \'active\' sound for it (a softened version of the stock sound sound_rocket_hard.mp3 - i\'ll gladly release it if that\'s allowed).

my edits for VB_IonEngine:

fx_exhaustFlame_blue_small = 0.0, -0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, active

fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.55, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, active

fx_exhaustLight_blue = 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, active

sound_vent_soft = activate

sound_rocket_ion.wav = active

sound_vent_soft = deactivate

mass = 0.15

maxThrust = 2

fuelConsumption = 0.025

( i might be overdoing it with the thrust and fuel consumption)

thrustVectoringCapable = False

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you can also add key = [Keycode] in it\'s part.cfg.

That does the trick for me (i get no popup menu on the filter). The filter now works.

Some bugs i noticed:

- if there are two batteries on a craft, when one gets empty both batteries disappear from the craft part list and do not reappear when recharging the batteries. It seems as though (a least) one battery is still working even though it\'s not visible in the part list.

- when the ion engine is active the filter does not generate zo2. - on edit: it does that one one of my craft but not on another, not sure what\'s causing it.

- the filter turns off when switching to another craft

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Ok, first off love this MOD. Thank you for all your work. problem is i updated to 1.2 and now none of the parts for this mod will work. they all say not compatible with version of KSP. What am i doing wrong here? made sure everything was up to date.

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Ok, first off love this MOD. Thank you for all your work. problem is i updated to 1.2 and now none of the parts for this mod will work. they all say not compatible with version of KSP. What am i doing wrong here? made sure everything was up to date.

this is my first time using this plugin, and i notice the same.

only the solar buddy panel is available for use

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